
my system is so much better than i ever dreamed when i started this journey about 30 years ago.never did i think i would be possible to achieve the sound, i currently hear, in my listening room.My amps are superb...the speakers are amazing...the network player sounds better than the SACD player that preceeded it.I have 2 Silent Source 'Music Reference' power cords.My new Silversmith 'Fidelium' speaker cables are truly amazing.The addition of the Uptown Audio 'EtheREGEN has significantly improved the sound.The addition of the Salon ethernet  cable has improved the sonics.I changed my previous modem/router setup to a single Actiontec product.Have just added 2 REL 212 SE subwoofers. The addition has significantly improved the soundstage and well as the bass.I have recently replaced the Symposium Platforms that were under my speakers..Tidal and RELs, with AV RoomServive EVP HDR isolation devices that have significantly improved the sound.Upgrading my Lumin to X1 level was a great idea.....Have replaced the Psvane WE 300B tubes with Psvane ACME 300B tubes.My 845s are Psvane WEs.Have also added a LessLoss Entropic C-MARC power cord to my Lumin X1.Have also added a LessLoss C-MARC RCA interconnect..Stay tuned..

Room Details

Dimensions: 28’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 26’

Components Toggle details

    • Chalice Audio SET amplifier Grail
    50 watt SET...Psvane WE 845 x 4...Elrog 300B x 2
    • LUMIN X1 Network Music Player
    Music Player /DAC
    • Tidal Audio Contriva Diacera-SE speakers
    full range
    • REL 212 SE subwoofer x 2
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables
    Ribbon cables
    • Lessloss C-Marc RCA interconnects
    2m RCA interconnect pair
    • Silent Source Audio Cables 'The Music Reference' Power Cord x 2
    • LessLoss Entropic C-MARC Powercord
    2m.....on my Lumin S1
    • UpTone Audio EtherREGEN
    Digital ethernet filter
    • Keces P3 PSU
    • Sablon Audio 1m Ethernet cable
    superb cable
    • Oyaide cryo wall outlets 'XXX' and R1
    Oyaide cryo wall outlets x 2..model 'xxx' and R1
    • Core Furniture diffusers...wall...x 4
    wooden diffusers used behind speakers x 2 each side on the front wall
    • Stillpoint Ultra SS
    under my amps
    • Wireworld 'Platinum' Ethernet cable
    • AV Roomservice EVP HDR isolation devices...#6 of the 2" and #16 of the EVP HDR 4" devices
    absolutely great isolation devices that work as advertised and then some. I replaced 5 Symposium Platforms with them..

Comments 142

Charles1dad..thanks..i will be ordering them after the 1st of the year...will get back with my thoughts


My friend Jwm has a similar type amp,Absolare Passion PSET 845 tubes. The Pavane W.E. Replica 845 are better sounding than their hifi series, Shuguang or the RCA NOS 845.


Congratulations to you and your wife with your new addition to the family, a healthy beautiful daughter.


"as good as i'll ever need!!"

Famous last words. :^)


Hi Dave. I am a new Daddy as of Nov 8th! Julia Mae, 21 inches and 8.9 lbs. Thanks for asking. Hannah is having some slight adjustment issues, but everyone is doing well. Thanks for the data on the 300Bs. I will have to roll away. One L7 owner likes the Carbon Sophias and another is looking at the Psvane WE replicas. Time will tell.

So there is one other lucky Grail owner out there? I think I remember hearing that. A year for the upgrade? Most philes would have a seizure, but I would gladly wait for that kind of sound. Believe it or not, I have waited longer for stuff, and it was worth the wait. People would spend less time in audio purgatory if they were more patient. Any time I dart off to Charlottesville, expect a visit.... :)


Andrew..i currently use Sophia 'Royal Princess' 300B tubes..I really liked the improvement they made from the previous tubes that were in the 'Grails''.that being said..i am about to order 2- matched pairs of the Psvane 845 WEs to replace the Shuguang 845s i currently have that probably have close to 7k hours on them..if they sound as good as most say, i will probably buy 2 of their 300Bs also..that way i can start fresh ..As an aside..the other owner of the Grail amps just got them back after about a year of having them upgraded and stated that they were absolutely 'spactacular'...' much better than before the upgrades' are welcome ANYTIME to come and have some music..have a great Turkey day..Are you a new father yet..?..


Mattnshilp...the simple answer is that i read the first review on Dagogo..i think...and the reviewer stated that he liked the Lumin better than the Aurender..i emailed the then USA dealer..Frank Silent Sourse Cables..and asked for a demo ..he obliged and it was love at first listen. i then bought the upgraded PSU from Kenneth Lau and it was a significant upgrade. The player ..along with MinimServer work almost flawlessly and the sound is amazing..thanks for the question


Dave, what are your favorite 300Bs? I am starting to tube roll for the sake of my dac. I currently own EML 45 solid plates, and am looking at 300Bs along with 2A3/6A3s as the Lampizator 7 can use 45s, 2A3s, 300Bs and even 845s!


What made you decide on the Lumin over the YFS, Antipodes, Aurender and TotalDac servers?


I believe you.


Charles, they remind me of Tripoint equipment in terms of fit and finish and performance. I know that a high profile dealer in the DC area who sold the most expensive tube amps in the world at the time said they were the best he had personally heard. Its not jus little old me who has that perception.


Hi Dave,
I truly appreciate your kind invitation. If I'm ever in that area I will certainly accept your offer.


Andrew..thanks for the kind words. You are always welcome.Charles...if you are ever in the area....please let me know as I would love to have you over...Dave


I became aware of the Chalice Audio PSET amplifiers about 3 or 4 years ago. My gut feeling was they must sound fantastic based simply on their design, built quality and execution. I'm not surprised by your listening impressions. I had hoped they would be commercially successful. Problem is, very small upstart company with ultra priced product, so it's a tough sell unfortunately. I suspect based on actual performance and quality it surpasses many established brand amps of similar cost. Lucky you having the chance to hear them in a fine system.


Dave, you you for the marvelous hospitality. Your system is splendid and those amps the best I have heard to date in terms of complete and utter naturalness, purity of tone, etc, etc. We need to resurrect Chalice Audio!



I've sent you a message via Audiogon's message system. When you get a second, would you please read it?



Thank you very much for your feedback on the P10! Great system!

I should be receiving my P10 and 8 x Ultra 5 + bases for my speakers soon.


System edited: New system pic with the Lumin Network Music Player and the power supply below.


Jazz.....thanks for the for the PS P10..i loved it when I had my preamp..Meitner cdsa-se..amps combination. when I decided to replace the preamp / Meitner combo with the Lumin Player,going directly into the amps, I tried it with and without the P10 ..going directly into what is a dedicated line and found that I liked the sound without the P10 better.The P10 DID improve the sound of the system with everything in it but had a softening effect with only the Lumin. for the HD pcs ..I did not try the P4. my system is at a point now that I don't want to change anything..i truly believe that I am through searching for 'BETTER'.hope this helps some..dave


Calloway, first of all, a fantastic system!

Two questions: Can you elaborate on the deletion of the PS Audio P10? I am in the midst of upgrading my power system and would appreciate your insight.

As you have probably the high end version in other components, did you try the HiDiamond P4 or were the P3 a better match?


Agear... you are correct.Tom and Pres are superb designers of , what i think, are the best tube amps made, but, as you say, the market is not flooded with buyers in that high atmosphere.


They are even making less expensive versions on request.

Necessary move in this current market. 80K for amps is not realistic for 99.8% of audiophiles....


Agear..thanks for the for the 'link' to a Chinese site i do not know anything about that. Chalice Audio, as a company, has taken a sabatical from the active marketing of their amp. they will, however, still make the 'Grail' amps per request.They are even making less expensive versions on request.


Calloway, your amps are one of the few out there that give me audio envy! I noticed Chalice Audio's website gets linked to some Chinese site? What is their story?


System edited: with the latest addition of the HF CT-1U interconnect and the Stillpoint Ultra 5's under my Tidals the system has evolved once again..


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