
my system is so much better than i ever dreamed when i started this journey about 30 years ago.never did i think i would be possible to achieve the sound, i currently hear, in my listening room.My amps are superb...the speakers are amazing...the network player sounds better than the SACD player that preceeded it.I have 2 Silent Source 'Music Reference' power cords.My new Silversmith 'Fidelium' speaker cables are truly amazing.The addition of the Uptown Audio 'EtheREGEN has significantly improved the sound.The addition of the Salon ethernet  cable has improved the sonics.I changed my previous modem/router setup to a single Actiontec product.Have just added 2 REL 212 SE subwoofers. The addition has significantly improved the soundstage and well as the bass.I have recently replaced the Symposium Platforms that were under my speakers..Tidal and RELs, with AV RoomServive EVP HDR isolation devices that have significantly improved the sound.Upgrading my Lumin to X1 level was a great idea.....Have replaced the Psvane WE 300B tubes with Psvane ACME 300B tubes.My 845s are Psvane WEs.Have also added a LessLoss Entropic C-MARC power cord to my Lumin X1.Have also added a LessLoss C-MARC RCA interconnect..Stay tuned..

Room Details

Dimensions: 28’ × 18’  Large
Ceiling: 26’

Components Toggle details

    • Chalice Audio SET amplifier Grail
    50 watt SET...Psvane WE 845 x 4...Elrog 300B x 2
    • LUMIN X1 Network Music Player
    Music Player /DAC
    • Tidal Audio Contriva Diacera-SE speakers
    full range
    • REL 212 SE subwoofer x 2
    • Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables
    Ribbon cables
    • Lessloss C-Marc RCA interconnects
    2m RCA interconnect pair
    • Silent Source Audio Cables 'The Music Reference' Power Cord x 2
    • LessLoss Entropic C-MARC Powercord
    2m.....on my Lumin S1
    • UpTone Audio EtherREGEN
    Digital ethernet filter
    • Keces P3 PSU
    • Sablon Audio 1m Ethernet cable
    superb cable
    • Oyaide cryo wall outlets 'XXX' and R1
    Oyaide cryo wall outlets x 2..model 'xxx' and R1
    • Core Furniture diffusers...wall...x 4
    wooden diffusers used behind speakers x 2 each side on the front wall
    • Stillpoint Ultra SS
    under my amps
    • Wireworld 'Platinum' Ethernet cable
    • AV Roomservice EVP HDR isolation devices...#6 of the 2" and #16 of the EVP HDR 4" devices
    absolutely great isolation devices that work as advertised and then some. I replaced 5 Symposium Platforms with them..

Comments 142

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I don't think it's a lack of zeal for american audiophiles to spend money on expensive audio products. It seems rather a decision to stick with the comfortable highly regarded
"tried and true" manufactuers and money allocation. They will spend willing for ultra priced speakers(big Focals,Wilson, Magico etc.). also certain electronics Pass XS, ARC REF big amps or the VAC Statement line. I think a degree of trust and past history breeds confidence with these names. Chalice Audio no matter how sublime will have a hard time getting traction and recognition in this market.

This is why some feel very comfortable with 60K or more speakers and 40K or more amps/preamps but balk at a 13K Tripoint Troy for example. Just diffent conditioned spending behavior.


My friend Jwm has a similar type amp,Absolare Passion PSET 845 tubes. The Pavane W.E. Replica 845 are better sounding than their hifi series, Shuguang or the RCA NOS 845.


Congratulations to you and your wife with your new addition to the family, a healthy beautiful daughter.


I believe you.


Hi Dave,
I truly appreciate your kind invitation. If I'm ever in that area I will certainly accept your offer.


I became aware of the Chalice Audio PSET amplifiers about 3 or 4 years ago. My gut feeling was they must sound fantastic based simply on their design, built quality and execution. I'm not surprised by your listening impressions. I had hoped they would be commercially successful. Problem is, very small upstart company with ultra priced product, so it's a tough sell unfortunately. I suspect based on actual performance and quality it surpasses many established brand amps of similar cost. Lucky you having the chance to hear them in a fine system.


Your enthusiasm for the HFC CT-1 got me curious about them.I thought that anyone who has a Chalice Audio amplifier must have superb sound(and would be difficult to impress with other products) in their home.If adding these cables impressed you to this degree it must be out of the ordinary. I tried one and it is!


I imagine the Chalice sounds outstanding based on the design,part quality and implementation.Last week at CES and THE SHOW I heard an amplifier of similar design, PSET with 845 tubes and cost no object approach. It was the Absolare Passion amplifier and its system`s sound was the best in the entire show.I wish Chalice could have been there, I`d love to hear it just based on its appearance alone.Calloway, you must be in musical heaven.


Yes I suppose there`s always room for improvement, I`d just be curious to know what sonic advancements you`ll notice. Transformer quality can`t be overstated.


I thought these amplifiers were already ultra performers, I`m surprised there`s that much more to be gotten out of them. It must be exciting, how much better than they become?


Those Chalice monoblocks are beautiful! I can understand your happiness with the Chalice driving the Tidal speakers, It must be pure heavenly bliss.
