
I guess I'd call this a small system on somewhat of a budget but looking for a great midrange. No transistors in this signal path.

Any suggestions on what the 'weak' link is here? If you really 'know' the component(s) please post, I'm not really into 'guesses'.

Thanks for looking!!!!!!!!

Components Toggle details

    • Jolida JD-603a
    Output RCA's upgraded and Telefunken 12AX7 ribbed plates for tubes
    • Valve Amplification Company Avatar
    Telefunken smooth plates for 12Ax7s, Mullards for 12AU7s and Svetlanas for the EL34's.
    Upgraded power cord.
    • Green Mountain Audio Europa
    Smooth as silk
    • FMS Gray
    Litz wire, teflon core
    • Auricle Silver
    Solid silver braid

Comments 3

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Despite your rather intimidating requirement that a responder really know your components, let me offer some good natured advice. Having owned two different brands of silver, solid core, braided interconnects in systems with tubed DAC's, and Aronov 960i tube integrated amplifier, may I suggest that you can stay within your price range, and enjoy a "wow" experience by spending $120 per interconnect pair for a money back home trial from [email protected]
There is full range, detailed, and natural three-dimensional reproduction, together with pitch accurate, musical bass from both my Duntech and Platinum Audio Solo monitor speakers; even my Spendor LS3/5A classic mini-monitors outdid themselves. I can reasonably extrapolate that results should be similar with your superb speakers, which I only recently had the opportunity to audition.
Gregg also has over-achieving speaker cables for $180 per eight foot pair.
Only in your own listening room should you decide if you're finally hearing the mid-range magic which is within the capability of your terrific components.
Obviously, I do not have exactly your components, but I share your tube philosophy, and I know having a budget is no barrier to upgrading, in this era of direct marketing.
