Room Details

Dimensions: 24’ × 14’  Large
Ceiling: 10’

Components Toggle details

    • Wilson Benesch Endeavor
    • Krell 575 monoblocks XD
    • Don Sachs Model 02
    • PS Audio Memory player
    • PS Audio DAC
    • MMF 2.2 tt
    • B and W 801 with North Creek crossover
    • Denon PCA-3000 RG
    Vintage amp
    • Denon PRA-2000 RG
    Vintage pre amp
    • Onkyo C-7030
    CD player

Comments 7

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I’ve replaced the Martin Logans 13a with Wilson Benesch Endeavor. Happy camper, although an unfair comparison as the Wilson are triple the price.


For those interested in Martin Logan speakers: at the time I took the photos, I was on the verge on selling the MLs. At low volumes they were muddled and lacked detail. The antithesis of what I expected having had listening sessions with my friend’s lesser model MLs. 

For whatever reason I decided to lessen the rake (tilt) before listing them. After lowering the front spikes, and use of small wooden blocks below the back spikes, the speakers are (almost) perpendicular. In a note, it’s an entirely different, superior speaker. 

We later concluded that my friend’s speakers worked because they were up against the wall. Consequently, being diapolar, the reflection off the front wall negated the ill effects of the ML’s 5% rake. 


Thosb, oh, as for sound the Don Sachs is well matched; it’s magical especially above 45 dB.


Thank you. Thosb, I purchased MLs because a well versed audiophile friend recommended them for my room. I ran the system with an Audio Research solid state and Krell 250 KSA. Not satisfied I posed the question on Audiogon’s forum on where to next? The overwhelming response was to consider a tube preamp as a way to overcome a “cold” system. Several respondents recommended Don Sachs, thus forgoing balanced. As for power cables, Shuyanta for the speakers and Krell’s Vector for the monoblocks. Interconnects by Liveline.
