
Gone are the audiophile adjectives, along with all barriers to musical reproduction. What remains is beautiful, clean, rich, majestic, energetic, palpable, live, natural music.

Components Toggle details

    • Avalon Acoustics Isis, Cluster Myrtle Burl
    • Wadia Series 9 DAC 922/931 with GNSC Statement Mods
    • Wadia 270se with GNSC Statement Mods
    • Pass Labs XA200.5 Monoblocks
    • Balanced Audio Technology Rex Preamp
    • Tripoint Spartan Power Conditioner
    • Tripoint Troy Grounding System
    • Harmonic Resolution Systems MXR 6 Shelf Rack in Myrtle Burl
    • NVS Sound Silver 1 Ultimate Power Cable x 5
    • Jade Audio Reference Gold/Platinum with Bocchino XLR x 2
    • Aural Symphonics Optimism 2.2007 x 6
    • Elrod Statement PC x 4
    • Maestro Outlet
    • HiFi Tuning Gold Fuses
    • EAT Tube Dampers
    • Harmonic Resolution Systems Nimbus Footers and Damping Plates
    • Xtreme AV Liquid Resolution
    • Walker Audio Talisman Demagnetizer

Comments 123

Hi Rob,

I have one of the very first Rex pre's, at the time BAT still was installing their NOS 6h30's in the units. I'd have to say I was very lucky! Fill me in on what you are hearing when they fully burn-in.



Thanks, Rob!



Hi Sam, I thought about VAC and did some research. I did not pursue because they are not known for prodigious bass, a pair would be required, and I would require a home demo. They seem like nice amps, just don't know about the match. I spoke to alot of people about amps, and VAC/Avalon just did not seem to come-up.

Hi Tom, I am burning-in 10 6H30-DRs right now. It is a roller-coaster ride. I did not purchase the converter to use the 6H30s in place of the 6C19s. Just 8 in the main unit, 2 in the switched position. I need to wait until they settle before I know what to think.


Rob and Tom,

I've read with interest your exchange and am learning from it...thanks! By any chance, have either of you heard the Isis with VAC 300.1 amplification?



Hi Rob,

Thanks for your reply and sound advice. It's comforting to know that you liked what you heard with the BAT VK-150se on he Isis. From what I've read the 'Time' is supposedly an easier load and less fussy then the Isis when it come to pairing it with an amp.

Rob, I haven't rolled any tubes in the REX yet because I'm digging it so much as is. Are you talking about rolling the 6h30's in the current source or in the AC shunt regulation? I'm using the supplied 6C19's as the current source and I prefer the shunt regulation switch positioned for the 6C45's. I have the covers off on both chassis of my REX and hear it to be ever so slightly focused this way.

The thing I love and find so addictive about the REX is that it's the antithesis of that spectacular "Hi-Fi Sound" and so absent of an electronic nature in sound that instrumental texture is rendered so naturally.

I plan on getting in touch with Bob (Strapper)) and see if he will have me over for a listen since he is only a 15 minute drive.

All the best,


Hi Tom,

I can personally attest to the synergy for the Isis and BAT 150se, as my dealer had this combination on display. What I can still remember is the great midrange texture, transparency, and detail. And yet, it gave-up nothing in the bass. I would be a tad concerned if your room was over 350-400 square feet, but for moderate to small rooms, I am sure the new Rex amp is a winner with Avalon.

The Isis will not work with OTL. Perhaps it can be a go with the Speltz transformers. The issue is while the Isis appear to be an easy drive on paper, the woofers need high current to move and be controlled. That basically limits your tubed amp choices to BAT and CAT, both of which have substantial transformers.

I would estimate the Isis woofers need around 500 watts into 4 ohms for a moderate to large sized room, if you play it loud and like orchestral music. If I crank the final movement of Mahler #6 to a pleasantly loud volume, the needles on the Pass move on the climactic passages (which can last several minutes at a time, not seconds). Since the Pass puts 400 watts into 4 ohms, this indicates the threshold for going into class AB.

The Time looks like a winner, but I have not heard. What the Isis do so well is convey the heft, weight, and scale of a musical piece. Personally, I would want to be assured the Time has this capability. If I were you, I'd keep the BAT 150se, get the speakers next, and then bring 2 amps into your home for demo. If you are looking for more specific amplifier advice, you can send an email.

Curious if you have tried the NOS 6H30-DR tubes in your Rex pre? I am coming upon 200 hours with a new set, and it has been an interesting experience.


Hello Rob,

What a great system!!!

I'm also a fellow fan of BAT and Avalon. I've been running a EMM DAC-2/TSD1, BAT REX preamp and BAT VK-150se mono-block amps on the Eidolon Diamond for some time now. For me this combination has proven itself to be such a winner! Extremely resolving, uncanny texture/timbre of tone, non fatiguing, dynamic enough in my size room, and images like crazy.

I've always enjoyed reading your post's and since your take of the Rex's sound preamp mirrors mine in so many ways I thought I'd ask if you had a chance to hear the Avalon 'Time'? If I ever move up the Avalon chain that would be the speaker that would get along with my room, not to mention my bank account.

BTW, a little over a week ago I went to an audiophile friend's house to hear the Isis paired with Atma MA-2 OTL.
I was expecting to be blown away and much to my surprise the combo didn't click. While I could definitely hear some extraordinary traits I couldn't get past the faults. I'm sure it must be just this particular pairing and that both amp and speaker in the right system can really shine.

First, I plan to move up to the BAT REX mono-block power amps and hope that 'Time' is not as particular and fussy as the Isis. Any experiences you can relate with different amps on the Isis may be helpful to me.

Thanks for your time Rob and I'll look forward to any thoughts you may have to share.



Hi Alec,

They are both great amps. For me, the Pass was the amp to make me stop thinking about all other amps. It just clicked with my system and tastes. It does all the things I want, and none of the things I don't want.

I consider myself wedded to these speakers, amps, preamp, DAC, rack, and power conditioners. In 2011, I would like to experiment with some power cords and cables, along with room treatments. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...


Hi Rtn1,
Congrats on the Pass Labs amps! what is the difference you find compared to your former Karan amps on the sound?


Hi Coxhaus, If you have the funds and can handle the heat, do it! Your speakers are huge, and they will need huge amps. If you don't want the heat, think about Karan or Class D.

I am trying some NOS tubes in my preamp right now. The burn-in is absolutely painful. Full report to follow...


What an elegant system. I bet it sounds spectacular. How do you like the Pass Labs XA200.5 mono amps? Do you get a lot of heat from them? They would probably sound really good on my Savoys.


Hey Rob, I should be getting the Troy on Thursday. I will let you know how it goes.



Hi Luxeman: The thing about the Troy is that I can still distinctly hear what it is doing in my system. Most other products have the proverbial jaw-dropping effect when first introduced, and then it wears off as the change is assimilated. The Troy continues to make a favorable impression over many months. It sort of sneaks-up on you.

Hi Isaac: A dedicated room may be great, but that is not my reality. I like listening to music in the center of the house. I could have remodeled the basement for audio, but I didn't want to remove myself from my family. Plus, a dedicated room does not guarantee great sound. Some are overly dampened in my view.

I am thrilled it worked-out. You should remain optimistic about your situation. You need to let your speakers fully break-in. You also need to optimize your amplifier and power cords, which are the two major determinants of bass. As the speakers break-in, you may have to move the speakers around quite a bit to find the optimal position. Some room treatments might be considered once everything settles-in. The journey is long and full of frustrations. Keep at it. You should get an excellent sound with a little time.


Congrats on a great system Rob.

I was just wondering what you think about the advantages and disadvantages of having no sidewalls? Have you ever compared systems in a dedicated room versus a room like yours? I ask because my system is also in a space similar to yours with no sidewalls (in the living room for me) which opens up to other rooms to the side.

Did your audio designer comment on this and how it would effect it?

I'm a bit worried that I will never get to hear my system's full potential after spending loads of money on equipment. I see you are very content and I'm happy to see that it is not in a room that is not a fully dedicated room. It gives me hope!

I had listened to Rockport Aquila's (my speakers now) in a dedicated room at the distributor, but with way better electronics/sources than mine currently, and it was amazing. My system now is maybe 60-70% of that. Everything was better in the dedicated room, i.e soundstage height, width, especially depth, and dynamics, imaging, etc etc all the usual parameters.



Glad to hear it, Rtn1 :-)


I have had the Troy in my system for about a year. It just keeps getting better. The few times that I have removed it everthing sounded flat,then after hooking the Troy back up the magic came back and kept improving month after month. I thought I was crazy but I see you have experienced a similar situation with your system.


Something interesting is taking place. I have not made a significant change to my system in a few months. And yet, it is sounding better and better each week. I am trying to grapple with this content feeling. I don’t think the improvement is due to burn-in, nor is it due to psycho-acoustics theory of ‘just getting used to the flaws’. I have grown to appreciate this system as I have learned its capabilities.

My ears have opened and I have listened to a wide variety of material over months. I hear no flaws. It does everything. The speakers have absolutely disappeared. I hear no drivers, no speakers. Everything is natural, proportioned, and detailed. I am brought closer to the performance, the musicians, and the technique. Music does not sound like a recording. I am not looking to fix anything, but rather increase the positive attributes of the sound however possible. This is evolving into something very special.


Hi Underdog: I had Nordost Valhallas previously. I was very fortunate to stumble upon the Jade Audio cables as my next cable. I know people try dozens before finding a good match. I will assure you that Jade Audio is the real deal. They have a midrange that is akin to a tube preamp, plus great highs and lows. It mates perfectly with my system, and JD is a great guy as well. I'd like to do a comparison of the Elrod Statement SC and ICs, but no other cables interest me.

Microstrip: I have compared running the Wadia direct to adding the preamp. The difference is night and day. I perceive no mismatch issues between the Rex and the Pass. I am really learning to appreciate the Rex and its capabilities. I am curious about the Joule preamp, and may have an opportunity to do a comparison in my system over the next month or so.


Hi Rtn1,
I own Soundlab A1s PX and the XA.5 series from Nelson Pass has raised my curiosity. As you, I can not imagine my system without a great tube preamplifier, but I have been worried about the 20/30Kohm specification of the input impedance of the XA.5's - usually unbuffered tube preamps prefer to see an impedance of more than 50kohms. Any issues with that aspect?


Hi, nice system. Can you tell me what other cables you have tried in your system?


Hi Tzh21y: The corner set-up sounds excellent. There are no side-walls, and it allows me to sit further away from the speakers. In Jim Smith's book, he also mentions the corner set-up option. I think you just have to try. The one concern might me a boominess from sound collecting in the corners, but I do not hear that. My bass sounds very natural, deep, and directional.

Hi Microstrip: The Karan is a great amplifier. Very powerful, even from top to bottom, great mid-range presence, and cool running. The Pass sounds wonderful in this set-up as well. I think Nelson has done a remarkable job with the XA.5 series. I am now totally satisfied, and have stopped thinking about the amplifier. That has really been the goal of my system. To stop thinking and wondering, and to sit-back and enjoy.

Hi Kirk930: I am expecting the Spartan around mid-May. Based upon the Troy, I think the Spartan will redefine all the adjectives in audiophilia. Miguel has an ear for getting you out of the recording and into the performance. The Troy has opened-up so many of my old recordings, and is an essential part of the sound I am getting.


I am curious to your corner setup? What made you decide on this? I am thinking about doing it


I am very jealous . Awsome setup. Would love to hear It. I want a tripoint spartan as well. The best power conditioner built I would say. The designer loves making music sound like the real thing. The speakers look beautiful.


Hi Rtn1,

Congratulations on your new Pass amplifiers. How do the Pass compare with the much more powerful Karans?


Hi Sgr,

I appreciate all the kind and complimentary words. It's nice to get some feedback because sometimes when you've been running a long time with your head down, trying to reach your goal, you have to look up from those few feet of road to see where you are. I feel like I've been working on creating a specific sound for a long time, and it is satifying to have it come together.

You'll have to visit again after the Tripoint Spartan is running at full speed. I expect that piece to let my system do much more of everything, particularly the 3-dimensional aspects and the spatial characteristics of the recording hall.


Showing 76 - 100 of 123 posts