
My system has been years in the making with a lot of in home auditioning by means of buying and selling. My listening room is also my workshop small room approx 12' x 20"

Components Toggle details

    • Garrard 401
    Rebuilt 401 with functional strobe and 12" Reed 3P tonearm,Lyra Delos
    • Technics SP-10 mkII
    Nice direct drive turntable. I reused the plinth after I sold the Garrard 401
    • Linn LP-12 Lingo
    Ittok tonearm, Lyra Helikon
    • Aesthetix Rhea
    Switchable 3 turntable control
    • Rogue Audio Athena
    Super quiet, high gain linestage
    • Ayre QB-9 ( 2012 )
    192 kHz. - Very Sweet and trouble free component.
    • Yamamoto 08-S
    With old school RCA Balloon (Globe) tubes
    • FI - Don Garber 2A3 / 45 monoblocks
    Very nice sounding well rounded amps.
    • Lowther Medallion II with PM2A drivers
    Cain & Cain Ben / 2nd system
    • Tascam 44
    Sweet perfectly working old R 2 R - I love to play it and play with it.

Comments 2

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I can really relate to your system, your Garrard 401 is a thing of beauty. Can you tell us who built the plinth? (I also have a 401).

I would love to hear it with the Reed tonearm, as opposed to mine, with a Dynavector 501 arm.

Congratulations on a fine system, enjoy.

