
My idea of sonic heaven is a deep 3 dimensional soundstage. What do I have to change to improve on that department?

Comments will be greatly appreciated - as you know how anxious one can be striving for his/her ideal sonic getaway.

My wires are ok for the mid-fi.

Components Toggle details

    • Parasound CDX-88
    Bright with good airy sound
    • Onkyo M-5060
    With matching pre
    • Tannoy M-3
    PSB-8 actually (wasn't listed)

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Is deep soundstage a reality?
I go to the symphony a lot and sit 9th row center. I often get a deeper soundstage at home that in reality....and I too like it.
And, I use mostly Krell electronics, which don't overly deepen the soundstage.

I recently added SACD capabilities to my system and a few night ago played a Telarc Beethoven's 5th symphony. In SACD, the soundstage was amazingly deep, but when I change to the CD layer it all flattened out.

Try SACD, but most of all, have fun.
