
My quest for the absolute sound started about 30+ years ago with the visit to a highend audio store in Richmond VA (side note - what happened to the highend audio dealer, they've all regressed into TV stores) and listening to a pair of Klipschorns -- WOW. I brought home a pair of Heresy (most I could afford then) and a Hafler DH200 amp and DH101 preamp and a 'something' cassette deck (remember cassettes?). This system lasted for many years, as I moved along life's journey, and was a pretty rockin system. But, I eventually sold off the gear or did it explode... At this point, I was working on my professional graduate degrees and music reproduction got placed on hold. Once schooling and residency was overwith I began to slowly return to my musical love. I picked up some Klipsch Quartets and Carver gear and a 'something' CD player. This lasted several more years, eventually adding a set of Klipsch Chorus II. The Carver gear got given away for replacement with a McCormack DNA1 amp, TLC1 pre. Later, I swapped in a Rotel CD Player. Eventually, I added another DNA1 for mono amplification. After, another couple of years, I swapped out the Rotel for the BAT VK-D5 SE player and the TLC1 for a Pass Labs Aleph P pre. A few years later, I had SMc upgrade both the DNA's to his max level. This system was definitely the best yet. I could not imagine it getting better... But, after a move, I noticed the horns being a bit too bright and brash in my new, smaller, room. So I ended up swapping out both sets of Klipsch for the pair of Quad 988s. Then, came the lust for tubes. So after auditioning a few different tube amps, I decided I had to have Atma-Sphere OTLs. So I swapped out the McCormack DNA1's for Atma-Sphere MA-1s. This brings us to the system as of March 2009 (when I started this posting)... Sooo, read on to see how deep the rabbit hole goes...

Components Toggle details

    • Micro Seiki DD-40
    purchased July 2010 from member Kimhou for $450 (including MA-505 arm). Cleaned, serviced (no repairs needed - just maintenance), and completely aligned / set up by Master Technician Alex Lok @ The Analogue Store (Raleigh NC) Aug 2010
    • Micro Seiki MA-505
    purchased with TT (included in TT price) - see TT. Absolutely perfect condition - current value ~$550.00
    • Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO III
    purchased brand new from The Analogue Store August 2010. Installed and completely set up by Master Technician Alex Lok.
    • Purest Audio STB-9000
    chrome plated brass record stabilizing clamp
    • PS Audio PerfectWave PWT
    PerfectWave Digital Memory Transport. Bought brand-spankin-new 2/10/10 from dealer Brian Kelly for $2200.00
    • Audio Note Response Audio 3.1 TC Reference MBX
    This is a custom build Audio Note kit DAC 3.1 by Response Audio. Includes signature digital board, AD 1865 N-K chip, AN silver TRANS-268 digital transformer, AN TRANS-496 I/V transformers, TRANS-027/02-AN Ultra HiB output transformers, Balanced outputs, silver wire, Cerafines, V-Caps, and Black Gates. And if thats not enough -- it has a separate chassis dual-mono power supply with Cerafines, Mundorfs, and V-Caps. DAC 5 eat-your-heart-out!!! Completed and in system 1-23-10.
    • Audio Note Response Audio 3.1 TC Reference MBX
    custom power supply pic
    • McIntosh MR-67 tuner
    old school tube tuner in perfect shape (Audio Classics B1), refurbished and aligned by Audio Classics 2005. bought from Steve Fields for $850.00 on Feb 13, 2010 - I'm now the 3rd owner of this classic (original owner in Ca, Steve Fields for about 5 yrs, now me)
    • Atma-Sphere MP-3
    Built 2008 for Vinh Vu, shown at RMAF 2008. Bought Nov 2009 for $2650.00 (including shipping). Came with the Power Regulator upgrade. Dec 2009 Atma-Sphere upgraded to line-stage V-Caps & Caddock resistor package
    • Tannoy Canterbury GR
    bought new Sept 2014, manufactured in Scotland June 30, 2014. $27,000
    • Atma-Sphere MA-1 mkII
    manufactured Dec 1998
    upgraded with Caddock resistors and 24K Gold plated by Atma-Sphere for audio show
    Upgraded to 12SX7 driver tubes
    Bought Oct 2008 from Spencer Banks for $5,934.10 (including shipping)
    Ralph at Atma-Sphere upgraded both amps to the MKIII status with full Caddock & V-Caps package and upgraded the power filter caps to the MA2 ones -- total upgrades $4800.00 done Jan 2009
    • Grover Huffman SX balanced interconnects
    Balanced XLR interconnects throughout. Bought Sc cables Oct 2008, upgraded to Sx version Dec 2009.
    • Shunyata Black Mamba powercables
    2 of them - power cables for Quads
    • Grover Huffman SC digital cable
    balanced AES/EBU XLR digital cable bought Dec 2009
    • Grover Huffman SX speaker cables
    4ft Sc speaker cables Oct 2008, upgraded to Sx version Dec 2009
    • Virtual Dynamics David powercable
    power cable for preamp
    • Silent Source Hi-Current powercables
    power cables for amps
    • Grover Huffman SX powercables
    2 powercables - 1 on digital transport, 1 on DAC
    • Symposium Rollerblock Series 2
    got Tungsten BALLS ?
    • Kymera Magic Wand remote control
    Bought new Dec 2009. Very unique universal remote that looks and operates like a Harry Potter magic wand -- necessary? No. Fun? In spades ;)
    • Nakamichi 680ZX
    Purchased Aug 2010 from Ebay member spokentewa7467 for $450. Cleaned, Demagnetized, Recalibrated, and completely Aligned by Master Technician Willie Hermann @ Willie Herman Services (Orinda, CA) Aug 2010 - Willie said that this is the cleanest 680ZX he had seen since he opened them brand new from the factory!!!
    • Marantz CDR-510
    Professional Studio CD Recorder and Duplicator. Saved from a pawn-shop for $152.50. Currently valued ~$500-800. Think computers do just fine burning discs, listen to one burned professionally off of one of these and you'll never use the computer again...
    • The Cable Pro Noisetrapper Revelation II
    No filters, no surge suppressors, no circuit breakers, no fuse power strip bought from Dedicatedaudio Aug 2010 for $249.95 to power Tuner, Nak tape deck, and Marantz CD burner.
    • Hickok 539b
    The "Engineers" tube tester and standard setter. THis unit is ~1958 to 1962. I bought it off of ebay coming from a engineering school in NY Feb 2010 for $695.00, were it was in functioning condition. I had it refurbished and precision calibrated by Roger Kennedy for $869.13. The caps, resistors, bias pots, GM meter DC bias meter and more was replaced, several fuses were added and the SS-83 and SS-5Y3 rectifiers were replaced with precision solid state units and it was cleaned - finished oct 2010
    • PS Audio P10
    Perfect Wave P10 power rejuvenation / purification conditioner. Bought new July 2014 for $2500

Comments 76

System edited: If the music makes ya move, cause you can dig the groove, then groove on, groove on... Isaac Hayes


I have now found verisimilitude.

Read on for my listening notes from the custom built Audio Note DAC running now with the PS Audio PWT transport - the review is specific for the DAC but I have to add this combo is a match made in heaven...

Charles Mingus / Blues and Roots –
Open, vast sound stage, overall deep tone, clear, drum kit very real with weight rhythm clear, no congestion with horn loaded passages, finger snap of the bass string / string hitting fret, light airy cymbals, mellow deep vibrato yet tight not overblown baritone sax – reedy/nasal intimate alto & tenor sax, earthy & woody bass, very deep complex concurrent horn passages with no grain or tonal breakdown

Dusty Springfield / Dusty In Memphis -
Clear, crisp, sparkly, rich sweet transcendent soulful sensual presence

Van Halen / I -
Clear, crisp, major increase in dimensionality & sound stage, significant air around instruments, cymbals especially shimmer and sound brassy – major improvements over previous listening session with this album – I’m really hearing dynamics I’ve never heard before. David’s voice sounds nicely smoky and Eddie’s guitar sound like a chain saw, ripping cleanly and powerfully through cords – articulate though, not edgy at all.

Diana Krall / Love Scenes -
Sweet brown-sugar whiskey voice, airy. Deep powerful bass, full clear organic percussive piano. Intimate, personal soundstage – in room – I can close my eyes and see her lying across a piano.

Art Blakely / Moanin’ -
Start dancing as the sound stage unfolds out across and deep into the room. Sassy mellow horns. Drums and piano are stout, bass solid.

Chicago / Chicago Transit Authority -
Spacious large sound, no congestion or grain on intense horn passages, clear but not edgy, dynamic, punchy, clean.

Stan Getz / Getz/Gilberto -
Airy, festive, amazingly live sounding, ohhh so smooth, sweet, open air space, intimate soundstage, full weighty bass.

Dave Brubeck / Time Out -
Airy, fast, such an amazingly realistic brassy ring to cymbals/triangles, rich, live, powerful, clear mellow percussive airy full piano.

The Grateful Dead / American Beauty -
WOW – gooey eye candy at its best. Crisp brassy cymbals, stout fast drums, weighty bass, mellow strings, harmonious vocals, super large soundstage broke out the walls of my listening room – transported me to the Fillmore. Powerful live sounding. Exxtra Punch & slam – hand to turn down the preamp because the L Quad went into “safe” twice. I could hear what sounded like a pin drop and I could hear Jerry’s guitar tube amp hum on the live version of Attic of my Life.

Summery & overall impressions -
More booty-shakin drive which propels tunes outward in soundstage width and adds gravity to soundstage depth. Texture, contrast, amplitude. Lives & breaths air and life into recordings like I have never encountered before. Fast edged and sharp striking articulate in micro detail yet sweet mellow and sexy smooth, best described as “Organic definition”. Shinny sparkling treble and boisterous dynamics and low-end fortitude. The cleanliness and the control of the sound is impressive. Vivid. Rich timbre. Absolutely gorgeous. The attack and decay of the notes are totally natural and believable. Room ambiance and background sounds on the discs come through like never have I ever heard before from a CD. Adds incisiveness and full bandwidth dynamic slam and delicacy. Easily explores complex musical passages without compression or decay in micro detail. Amazingly three dimensional depth and breadth to the sound stage. Ambience. Organic blending of overall sonic experience yet minutely crystal in articulate detail and clarity. Dimensionality, space, and air sounding instruments. Absolutely amazing realism and character to instrument tone and expression.

Please, someone pinch me... ;)


I'll bet that sounds good with the PWT/PWD, Atma-sphere and Quad. :)


Thank you charles1dad, I hope you are as enthralled with the PS Audio PWT as I am. It's really that good...

I have gone ahead and written a review of the transport; it can be found at

I have been absolutely overjoyed with the PS Audio PWT. In fact, I put off publishing a review of the custom Audio Note DAC, waiting for the PWT to break-in. --Because the PS Audio is that much better...


Largely based on your input to my PWT thread and your obvious pleasure with this transport I`ve decided to get one. I had considered the Accustic Arts Drive but you clearly indicate that the PWT Is superior , you may have prevented a mistake on my part. As the PWT continues to break in keep us posted
Best Regards


Thank you Peter_s


Love to hear the Quads with the atmaspheres! Ralph says it should be a good combo.

I used to have 988's, and I'll share a few things I learned along the way.

- I also raised mine off the floor, but found that they lost too much bass when raised more than 10"

- I was shocked to find that they sounded better with better power cords. I made my own from VH Audio DIY stuff, and it really made a difference.

- Sound also benefited significantly from diffusors on the back wall. I made my own out of balsa wood (one of my threads describes this). Taming the back wave is important, but I found absorption to suck too much out (in my case).

Hope that is helpful. Good luck! Peter


System edited: OK - well in the process of breakin-in the new Audio Note DAC, I just wasn't too pleased. --I mean, I've spent an enormous amount of money and the sound was pretty close to the BAT player (though, I'm not kickin the BAT -- it's the best one box there is!!). Sooo, I decided to try a new transport as I wasn't thrilled with the Accustic Arts anyhow -- In went the new digital memory transport from PS Audio -- the PerfectWave PWT and I'm LOVIN IT!!!. Not even broke in yet and WOW what a difference, now this is what I was expecting from the get-up-and-go... Light, Airy highs - cymbals dance, triangles are crystal clear, horns are sexy... Bass tight, dynamic. There is much more space around the instruments. That's all I'll say now -- needs to break in... On a side note, I have to say when I was looking at pictures of the PerfectWave, I was thinking to myself, "looked what the cat dragged in from wal-mart" meaning it looked like cheap plastic -- Well, I am happy to report this thing is BUILT -- no plastic here!!! Feeling the weight and non-resonencant character, I think its made of steel (but could be really think aluminum though) -- very nice build!!!! --the remote is wal-mart though (oh well).


System edited: Finally picked up the custom build Audio Note DAC. This is a extensively customized Audio Note DAC 3.1 Balanced kit, build by Response Audio of Endicott NY as a customized TC Reference MBX. This custom build includes the Response Audio MBX external dual mono power supply with banks of Mundorf M-TubeCap filter capacitors. 2 of the Audio Note M2 power supply boards with VH Audio V-Cap capacitors and a separate Audio Note digital power supply board with Elna Cerafine capacitors. The Digital board is the Audio Note Signature one, housing Audio Note Tantalum resistors and Black Gate capacitors. Further upgrades made in this area is the Audio Note Silver wire TRANS-268 digital transformer and a AD1865 N-K chip, outputting to Audio Note TRANS-496 I/V transformers. The analog tube board includes Dale resistors, Elna Cerafine capacitors, VH Audio V-Cap coupling capacitors. The output transformers are the Audio Note Ultra HiB transformers and are running balanced out to Neutrik gold XLR connectors. Pretty Outrageous ;-) And for those who wonder -- Bill at Response Audio does not compare or compete against the Audio Note factory offerings, so he has no comments on the subject and I have not heard the DAC 5.1 -- but my opinion is; I had this build with the DAC 5 Special parts (only swapping AN PIO caps for V-Caps) + with the addition of the completely dual-mono power supply = you do the math. Impressions -- well it's just in, so it has a long way to go to break in. But, I can say out of the box it equals my customized BAT VK-D5 SE player in absolutely all aspects + adds a more realistic and invigorating sense to the mids and more low dynamics. Thats all I'm going to say, till I get a couple hundred hours on it -- I'll post then...


Thanks very much for your response. I've found a tech source with a good reputation for the modification work. Very best regards.


Mwp7373, Before the superclock upgrade, I was about to sell the BAT -- its a fine player, it is very analogue, articulate without being shrill, produces really weighty bass, and nice highs -- but I felt like something was missing. Sometimes the recording seemed delayed in its timing, the pace was off, rhythm suffered and the highs just did not sparkle for me. Now these were subtle problems, but they grew on me enough that I was ready to sell... But, at a friends recommendation, I had the clock mod done to see if it changed things. Now, I have to admit, this was a frustrating experience at first. Called around several places to be turned down (no one had experience with the BAT player), then found Hot Rod Audio Mods / Verity and they said they could do it. Little did I know it would take them 6 months to do it. But anyway, the frustration was worth it!!! When I finally got the player back, the pace and rhythm was much improved, the whole musical experience seemed more right on. Now I have to point out, that it took six months to get my player back, so the sound was not fresh in my head -- but, their was a significant enough difference that it was undeniable. PRAT was so improved that I ended up keeping the player. Money well spent!!!


Bobheinatz -- Yes, the marble platforms came from a garden shop / greenhouse supply. The more vibration I take out of the Quads the better they sound, I believe even Quad recognized this, as the newest version (2805) has a metal frame with torsion bracing - the older Quads did not have these upgrades. The rack is made out of walnut, which is one of the most expensive domestic woods (wood species effects price the most) -- but, I wanted the extra density & weight walnut has (plus look), so I paid the extra... Having said that, I think I still got an excellent price, considering what furniture costs versus the quality. Anyway, the big board cost me $900, the hemlock 12X12 beam pieces (used for legs) cost me nothing as it was "scrap" from a timber-home builder, and the smaller amp boards were $150 a piece. You should check out your local mills, timber-home builders, wood craftsmen, and so forth. That's how I found what I did and since you are in Oregon, you probably have more resources than I. Good Luck


Thanks for sharing your journey with us. It sounds as if you're closing in on your own ideal listening environment. Congratulations. Do you mind if I ask you your experience with the superclock mod to the CD player? I have a Marantz SA-14v2 which is not as strong a player stock as is your BAT, but I thought the comparison might be interesting. The superclock is an upgrade I'm considering myself and would be grateful for any insight you might be willing to provide. Thanks and Happy New Year



I really like what you have done to your system. The marble platforms you have under your Quads look like the legs I have on our garden bench. Sound wise did it make a difference from whatever you were using. I also love the idea of your large rack. I live in Oregon where I know I could have someone make me a simular rack but could you given me a ballpark price on what that rack cost? Last, your amp & preamps are great choices. Enjoy!


System edited: Well... I've had the Atma-Sphere MP3 up-n-running for a little while now. Wanted to wait to post, so I could let the sound marinade for a while. First off how did I get here -- after I had swapped out the McCormack DNA-1 amps for the Atma-Sphere amps, I had noticed more bass (along with the increased dynamics, mids, sweet voices, and all else I liked about the Atma-Spheres). Over the course of the last year, I began feeling like the "more" bass wasn't just more power but a bit of "bloat". Also, I began feeling like the highs were a bit lean. So, after speaking to Ralph and others - I decided I should give the Atma-Sphere MP3 a try. So here we are... Let me first say, the MP-3 I bought was shipped first back to Ralph for V-Caps and Caddock upgrades (already had the power regulator upgrade) and I have swapped in NOS tubes -- so my review listed here is after the "enhancements". The MP-3 is an absolutely fabulous pre!!! The dynamics took another leap forward, more punchy and more stronger. There is more air and instruments are more articulate and distinguishable. Overall, the sound is sweeter and smoother. The bass bloat is gone and the highs are extended. Cymbals are more articulate and brassy. Overtones are more discernible and linger a bit longer. Mids and voices are brought up more forward in the sound stage -- some of my live recording from shows I have attended now sound as I remembered them actually being (before, voices were a bit too far back on the stage). Horns are sharper but smooth and sweet. Highs are crisp but not brittle. The hole goes deeper...


System edited: Updated pictures.


Replaced amp fuses with HiFi Tuning gold & silver ones. A bit clearer sound.


Interconnects & speaker cables upgraded to Grover Huffman Sx versions. An excellent upgrade -- more articulate base and treble, cleaner, and faster.


So got the amp stands from John. They are awesome - just over 2 foot by 1 foot by 3 inches thick. They are sitting on Bearclaw brass spike footers. Nice and solid. This set up raises the Atma-Sphere's off the floor about 5 inches.

Also, I purchased a Atma-Sphere MP-3 pre -- it's with Ralph right now having V-Caps, Caddocks, & power regulation upgrades done.

And the DAC should be on the way soon.


Had a local guy make me a custom shelf for the system. He is John at Anvil Board Co. He is a wood craftsman and runs his shop making primarily cutting boards and does a great job at it. So, I had John make me a 9 foot long, just under 2 foot wide, 4 inch thick shelf out of a Walnut tree. Talk about dampening -- this "trunk shelf" weighs in the neighborhood of 300lbs. For legs, it sets on two chunks of 12X12 Hemlock beam, another 20lbs a piece.

The whole kit-and-caboodle sits directly on the terra-cotta floor. Thus, the top of the self is about 16 inches off the floor. This spans behind the Quads, but is below the level of the Quad bases.

Really makes an awesome component self -- Now I will have room for the custom Audio Note DAC & separate power supply once Bella Extreme finally finishes it -- waiting all this time is agonizing...

Lastly, the Atma-Sphere's are still on the floor. But after seeing how great a job John did on the shelf, I asked him to do a couple amp stands for me. So, will have the Atma-Sphere's off the floor soon.


System edited: Well, I got a demo power cable from Grover Huffman and compared it to the Virtual Dynamics David and the Shunyata Black Mamba on the BAT VK-D5SE CD Player. The results were quit surprising for me. I had always thought Shunyata were prefered cords on digital front ends, but the Black Mamba was no match at all for the VD or the Grover. Both offered MUCH improved clarity throughout, from top to bottom. Significantly improving everything, especially voices. The VD offered a bit more dynamic oomph and extended the bottom end a bit more. For example, drums sounded a bit more realistic. But, it also darkened the mids a bit more than I feel is real. The Grover offered a clearer topend and mid. Gave an impressive increase to the sound stage, air around the instruments, and 3D imaging. Cymbals are sparkling crisp and voices are truly clear and realistic. The bottom is clear and focused, not as dynamically heavy as the VD but does not color the sound the way the VD did either - drums are very energetic and extremely clear -- the snare sounds honestly sharp and toms sound as crystal as wood gets ;) The Grover Huffman PC is a real winner and when compared to the cost of other PC's is an absolute steal!!! Thus, I'm keeping the Grover demo, ordering a second PC from him, and selling the Shunyata's. The VD is going back on the pre for now.


Great system! And I thought I had a lot of tubes!! My system benefited with with each upgrade in amp stands from none like your current set up to the stands I have now. The elimination of more and more vibrations with each new set of stands improved inner detail each time smoothing out the presentation and always amazing me that another level of improvement could be made.
The copper pipes are a very nice(clean) solution to the power distribution problem.


System edited: Reworked the granite stands the Quads are on by adding additional Oak bracing. Bracing is secured to the tops of the Quads by replacing the old dark wood top cover with a new Oak one with mating for the braces. The Quads are pretty steady now -- you can tap hard on the top to evoke vibration but things are sured up pretty tight now. Also, this mod allowed me to angle the Quads forward to about 95 degrees -- a better angle for the new leather seat I got.


I just had the Quad 988's modded by Kent McCollum of Electrostatic Solutions. He swapped out the factory input electrolytic cap for North Creek Zen film caps and Sonicap bypass caps. Along with a few other things.

I had mentioned to him before the upgrades, I felt like the mids were lacking. Especially noticeable when listening to female vocalists when singing with a band. The instruments would drown out her voice (an exaggeration of course), like her mic was turned way down.

Now. The female vocalist has been brought forward on the stage and is part of the band rather behind. Major improvement and very noticeable. Her voice is natural now, in balance and tone.

Overall, instruments are more focused and clearer. I can hear more of the overtones from acoustic strings. Very natural -- closet to the real thing I have heard from my system.

Highs are very articulate now also. Cymbals are crisper and really ring naturally.

Horns are incredibly focused and accurate. Its amazing the depth of the overtones heard from brass and woodwinds.

Its like I'm listening to a whole new system -- I'm really stunned at how major the improvements are.


Love the Granite bases (Quads as well) Congrats on the room.


Showing 51 - 75 of 76 posts