
System still in progress. Room design by Rives. Octagonal design 22 X 19 X 9. Three layer drywall with soundboard center. Open channel around room - decoupled from house frame, sound-damped ventilation. Skylines, RPG B.A.D and sonex treatment. False ceiling behind listening position/absorptive. Quad.diffusors behind listening couch. AC via sub-panel, 4 30A lines, grounding grid. floor to ceiling passive traps in front corners. Nice family listening room replaces tv time most nights.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Aero La Fontaine
    pre-amp, CD player
    • Audio Research 250 monoblocks
    250 wpc Tube monoblocks
    • Wilson Audio Maxx 3 system
    Wilson Audio Maxx 3 full range speakers
    • Shunyata Research Anaconda XLR's
    3m XLR
    • Shunyata Research Anaconda Speaker cables
    • Shunyata Research Hydra Triton
    8 outlet reference passive AC distribution
    • Stillpoints ESS Rack
    Stillpoints Reference ESS Rack and component shelves for amps, CD, Hydra and Pre-amp. 26" wide model

Comments 38

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Hi Samuel, I ended up spending over one year listening to many top preamps in my system, in my room. Among those that I auditioned in my system are the VTL 7.5 series 3, Dartzeel 18NS, and several other. I ended up preferring the new Krell Phantom. Like you said, the bass is unbeatable. Happily, with right combination of other components, the soundstage, timbre and detail is as good as the VTL 7.5 series 3 and Dartzeel 18NS too, so I am making no compromises, and I am very happy. Perhaps you should audition it some day.

I am not conflicted in saying this since I don't work with or am associated with any audio company of any sort, I work in the financial sector. Cheers.


Thank you for your feedback regarding the Levinson, Krell and A.R. Refs. Cheers.


Dear Samuel, I read you review of the A.R. ref. 5 in the other thread. I currently use Levinson #37, EMM LABS DCC2 se, Levinson 380S with a Krell 700cx and Dunlavy SC-VI, with NBS cables. For me bass is very important. I am considering the Levinson 32 and the A.R. Ref 5. I can not try them in my system before purchasing because I live in Brazil. How would you compare the bass of Ref. 5 vs something like a Levinson 32 or Krell 202. Thanks.
