
Getting back into 2-channel Audio after an 18 year hibernation.

Finished my basement and built a dedicated listening room.

In the past few years, I've met a load of helpful and wonderful friends who have advised me and given me the ability to hear lots of equipment I never would have had a chance to listen to.

Components Toggle details

    • Nick Doshi Alaap Preamp
    "Purist"-version full function preamp. Includes MC or MM phono-stage input and 1 other input (Single Ended or Balanced). JJ gold-pin ECC99 Telefunken (The Fisher) 12AT7 JJ gold-pin ECC83s
    • Tenor HPS-150 Amplifier
    Hybrid Stereo Amplifier. Output Transformer-Less topology.
    • Custom (OMA) Slate Turntable
    With help from Jonathan Weiss (@ OswaldsMill Audio), I designed and built this Slate table. The initial designed borrowed parts from my Teres (bearing, platter, motor).

    However, I added flexibility to the design to enable me to add different motors (Papst w/ Mark Kelly Analog controller) and different platter/motors (Technics SP10).
    • Teres 320 turntable
    Rosewood Plinth and armboard. Teres's composite platter (much better than the acrylic platter on my previous Teres 265). Includes Cocobolo-housed Reference Motor. Holographic mylar tape as drive belt.
    • Kuzma Airline tonearm
    Linear Tracking Air bearing
    • Ortofon A-90 Cartridge
    Moving Coil cartridge
    • Zyx UNIverse X-SB
    Incredible cartridge. Easily the fastest, most dynamic, resolving cartridge I've ever heard. Great in every way. No deficiencies that I've been able to hear.
    • Studer A807 Mk.II Reel-to-Reel
    Reel to Reel Deck
    • Bottlehead Eros Tape
    Tape preamp to allow direct connection to the R2R repro head
    • Kharma 3.2F CRM speakers
    Incredible transparency and accuracy. Imaging is unreal. Focal tweeter.
    • Kharma CE 1.0 subwoofer
    Matched w/ the Ceramique 3.2
    • Bel Canto CD-1
    Great soundstaging
    • (RAKK based) custom DAC
    Home made DAC based on the RAKK DAC circuit. Custom changes to allow A/B evaluation of different CCS (Constant Current Sources) and other components. Will be made into a proper chassis when A/B evaluation and voicing is complete.
    • Nordost Valhalla speaker cables
    3 meters
    • Nordost Tyr Interconnects
    1 meter RCA between DAC and preamp
    • Shunyata various Powercables
    Anaconda and Python Alpha Helix

Comments 27

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Hi Sam,

The only cartridges I've mounted on my Kuzma Airline to date are a Zyx (Universe), Ortofon (A90), and a Koetsu (Rosewood). i.e. I've never had an Olympos or Air Tight mounted in my system.

I will say that the Airline takes far more patience and care in its setup than my prior two tonearms (Triplanar and Schroeder DPS) but the results are worth the trouble. I don't think I've yet aligned the A90 optimally but can already tell that it will sound special (on the Airline) when dialed in. The ZYX Universe is an incredible performer mounted on the Airline.

My first Tape Project tape is on order (The only tape immediately available to me was LR's "Heart Like a Wheel", BTW). I've just calibrated the Studer and recorded/played back my first tapes (from vinyl). It isn't quite the last word in audio quality yet (my vinyl rig easily surpasses it) but I haven't yet taken advantage of the Eros Tape Preamp or heard a Tape Project tape played on it. I plan to directly wire the repro heads to the Eros after I get a chance to hear what the stock electronics sound like when playing back a quality recording.

Looking forward to receiving my first TP tape and reporting back.


System edited: Added Ortofon A90 and Bottlehead Tape preamp


Added an Ortofon A90 over the weekend.

All the glowing reports about this cartridge are true. It's a wonderful, resolving cartridge with lots of body and wonderful music right out of the box. It doesn't seem to have any compatibility issues mounted on my Kuzma Airline (thankfully).

It's WAY too early to compare it to my Zyx Universe but the prospects look very promising. I haven't yet dialed it in and it's still going through the normal break-in period.

A couple of (minor) nits:

1) This cartridge's stylus and cantilever are OUT THERE (fully naked). If you're at all squeamish about damage during setup (and/or normal play), this is not the cartridge for you. I get nervous just looking at it. Its nakedness makes it easier to visualize the setup, however, as I had no difficulty lining the stylus up to my "protractor" (the anti-Koetsu in this regard).

2) The threaded mounting holes are not through-holes. This is the first time I've encountered this but it means only your shortest screws will work (long screws will bottom out in the hole before they're able to lock the cartridge down). In my case, I didn't have a second pair in my arsenal that were short enough (other that the screws that came with the cartridge). As a result, my setup took an extra half an hour after dropping one of the screws and being unable to find it for the longest time (These screws are experts at the game of hide-and-seek).


System edited: Added new Slate Turntable and Studer A807


RE: my equipment cabinet

Thanks. I made the cabinet myself and is modeled after one of the Salamander racks (Doug Deacon's rack, actually).

I veneered the doors and side panels with beautiful flitches of Crotch Mahogany I happened to have. Prior to veneering they were as wrinkled as potato chips. I'm very happy with the way they came out (pictures don't do them justice).

Nonetheless, it's not an ideal rack sonically.


System edited: I realized that I haven't updated my System in a while. I swapped out a Triplanar and replaced it with a Kuzma Airline tonearm. I had a need to scratch my Linear Tracking tonearm itch. More changes in the very near future.


System edited: Added Nordost Valhalla Speaker Cables


System edited: Many changes to my system since the last update: Speakers -> Kharma 3.2 Amp -> Tenor HPS-150 Turntable -> Teres 320 Tonearm -> Triplanar DAC -> RAKK DAC-based custom design The Tenor Amp is undergoing evaluation. While being an incredible component, I'm torn between it and my Doshi-modded Lectron. Both are world-class.


System edited: Added Shunyata Anaconda as a Power Cable for my Lectron Power Amp. An incredible addition that has lowered the noise floor way down and brought everything into focus. Those who don't think Power Cables have an effect haven't heard these Shunyatas.


System edited: Added HRS M3 Base and upgraded speaker cables to Shunyata Andromeda (from MIT MH750). The combination has added alot of space and separation between instruments in the soundstage without limiting any of the dynamics or detail. High frequencies have also been extended without calling attention to themselves.


System edited: Added Nick-Doshi modded Lectron JH-50. Added various tweaks (HRS Damping Plate on Alaap PSU Chassis and Equarack MF-1 footers to turntable support).


System edited: BDR "Shelf" and cones under Teres turntable and Stillpoints. Sonics have definitely improved: more highly focused images, less muddy, and less smearing. My rack is a DIY Flexy rack (MDF shelves) so resonance control is sorely needed. Would like to evaluate the HRS M3 shelf after hearing the benefits these products can make.


System edited: Added Nordost Tyr (1 meter RCA) as a connection between Phono stage and Preamp. These replaced Nordost Quattro Fils. The Quattro Fils are nice but the Tyr's are much improved in every way (transparency, resolution, speed,...). Not quite like buying a "component upgrade" but a subtle and definite to everything. My Alaap is currently being upgraded. I can't wait to hear the improvements (because of the Tyr's) when it gets back!


System edited: Added a Loricraft PRC-3. Though still not sure how much better it's cleaning than the VPI HW-16 it replaced, it is doing a better job and it's fun to use. I'm currently using the Walker Prelude solutions (w/ brushes) with satisfactory results. As soon as the Prelude Alcohol or Pure Water run out, I'll be trying out the AIVS solution (again). I hate having to mix up the Prelude #1 solution (from powder) and throwing away the unused excess.


System edited: Added a ZYX UNIverse to my vinyl rig. Wonderful in every way: resolving, speed, tonality, Low end and High end extension. Has to be heard to be believed.


System edited: Added Nick Doshi Alaap full function preamp. Believe everything you've read about this preamp, this is the real deal. Currently, it's connected to my Simaudio I-7 Integrated Amp (in HT Bypass Mode). Even in this less than ideal configuration, the music changes that the Alaap has made will bring tears to your eyes. Simply outstanding!


System edited: Advice from Thom Mackris and, after listening to fellow members DougDeacon and Dan_Ed systems, my horizon has been set. Both of these worldclass systems has reconfirmed the importance of the signal chain hierarchy and has given me new things to shoot for (that I didn't know existed). Have added a new table/tonearm/cartridge. More to come...


System edited: Many changes to my system beginning w/ Cabling and ending with upgrades to my Analog frontend. Upgrading my speaker cables (MIT MH-750) and phono I/C (Nordost Quattro Fil) have made huge differences. The biggest change, however, has been to my Linn Turntable. Replaced the subchassis (with a Cetech carbon fiber one that I won off ebay). Replaced the Ittok (with an Ekos 2). Had Valhalla capacitors replaced and gave it an overall tuneup. The turntable has never sounded better! Everything about it has been improved dramatically. My next step is to improve my cartridge.... Looking at a Koetsu Urushi or Air Tight PC-1.... Comments?
