
All components sourced locally from Craiglists and thrift shops. Total cost approximately $400.

Components Toggle details

    • EPI 202
    classic early 70s acoustic suspension speakers. Each speaker houses two 8" woofers and two 1" tweeters.
    • Luxman R-1050
    Vintage amp/tuner.
    • Sony CDP-C90es
    early 90s multi-disc CD player

Comments 4

Showing all comments by jedinite24.

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Wow that is really nice that you have so much quality audio gear around you in good shape and at fair prices. I'd probably have a basement and garage full of vintage gear if I lived by you. I saw some pics and that Sony V-Fet is quite the piece of vintage gear. If funds and time permitting I say let that expert restore it. It could be worth the 18+ month wait. You would maybe then have to change the name of your system though. ;)


Really Nice. I can't believe you found such nice stuff in good condition on Craigslist. That and the pricing wasn't bad either. By me a lot of audio gear is in bad condition and WAY over-priced. My guess is the sellers are pricing high to ward off the low-ballers but man oh man sometimes the prices charged for older gear makes you just want to look away. Did any of it require any repair or maintenance?
