
This system brings lots of enjoyment. My room is 20 feet by 30 feet with 12 to 18 foot ceiling. This is a very open and live sound not much damping to the system.

Components Toggle details

    • Modright Oppo 105
    Modright tube modded Oppo 105 with separate tube regulated power supply sitting on top of sound anchor mount in wall stud
    • Basis Audio Debut Gold mkV
    Basis Debut Mark V with Vector Arm Vacuum hold down platter with ZYX Ultimate 2 Cartridge sitting on Sound Anchors Wall Mount in Stud
    • Valve Amplification Company Signature 2A
    VAC Preamp with Separate Power Supply
    • Aesthetix Io Eclipse
    Io Eclipse with Dual Mono Power supplies
    • Valve Amplification Company Phi 300.1a
    VAC Phi Monoblocks
    • ESP Loudspeakers Harp
    ESP Harp Loudspeakers with two 10 dual voice coil woofers, two 6.5 inch Kevlar Scan Speak Mid's, two 1 inch Seas Tweeters (One in front and second on side out of phase and 6db lower than front) Drivers in front D'Appolito Array
    • ORB ORB Destat
    Battery Operated Destat Device
    • Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner
    Ultrasonic Record Cleaner
    • Richard Gray 1200C
    Pair of power conditioners
    • Basis Synchro Power Supply
    Electronic Speed Control
    • Siltech 770
    Speaker Wire and Interconnects
    • Coincident Extreme CST PC
    Power Cords
    • Victor Model 1
    Original Wind Up Phono made in 1903
    • Rockport Technologies Altair
    Four Way Full Range Speaker

Comments 114

Showing all comments by agear.

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Come now Charles. I jest.

Jeff, you have gear that transcends all the crap we own. You have to oblige our voyeuristic demands....


08-17-14: Kevinkwann
05-16-14: Jwm
"Agear I promise this will be done with in the next couple of weeks."

Ouch. Cough up those pics! Or al least have Charlesdad drop by to capture a few polaroids....


The answer is clear:


Jeff, keep us posted on your experience with the Romulus. Aesthetix is a very fine company. It seems like a lot of meticulous engineering goes into their products...


Don't get me wrong the digital setup I have now took lots of patience and hard work to achieve this great sound. I had to address vibration control, the right digital cable, power cords, and NOS tubes. I kid you not without the above the sound of the Lampi was thin, mettalic, and I did not want to listen very long.

Well isn't that the gospel truth (when it comes to digital). If more philes realized that, there would be less equipment roulette. Do you have any interest in the Tripoint Troy given Charles' findings?

The 7 should be interesting, but I am sure it will require the same due diligence. The nice thing about the latest version of the 7 is that you have the option of switching between a 45 and 2A3. I am unsure which way it will go. Most of the online verbiage regarding those tubes concerns amps, so who knows? I will start with the EML 45s and roll from there....


Jeff, who does the Lampi stack up to the table?


Sweet. I was not trying to be a jerk. I just wanted to ogle your Absolare, Lampi, Rockports, and the rest of the fabulous stuff you have cobbled together....


Jeff, update your system list and overview pics.
