
Finally assembled a digital and analog sound system to enjoy. This is essentially My Sound V1.2

Speakers and Sub of the 2 Channel audio system are shared with a 5.1 HT system, add:

Sony LCD / Denon AVR 4306 / BD55 Bluray / Devore Gibbon Center / Morel surrounds

Now on to the musica....

Components Toggle details

    • Apple Power Mac G5
    Music server with AIFF format(1411 kbps)music files on external drives. iTunes playback
    • Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2
    SLA power at a mere 30 watts per channel
    • Modwright SWL9.0 SE Signature
    Tube Rectified Power Supply. Mullard GZ34
    • Technics SL 1210 Mk5
    KAB modified with stock tonearm rewire, tone arm fluid damper, external RCA Plate.
    • Graham Slee Gram Amp2 SE
    phono preamp
    • Monarchy NM 24 Tube DAC
    sometimes this and sometimes the Brick DAC
    • Wavelength Brick DAC
    • Devore Gibbon Super 8
    Nicely done JohnD.
    • Martin Logan Abyss
    Sealed enclosure. Crossed over at 30Hz
    • Ven Haus Pulsar RCA
    Cryo with Silver Bullet connectors
    • Speltz Anti Cable
    Sound very nice
    • Reality Cables Speaker Cables
    by Greg Straley
    • Ven Haus Flavor 4 Power Cable
    Gold Furutec on preamp

Comments 2

Showing all comments by orjazzm.

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Nice system, how are the gibbons and sig 30.2 getting along? Also I noticed you have a Mac, I see an Apogee Duet in your future :)
