
I originally had an all SS system comprised of Revel Gems, BAT vk-40 preamp, Rowland 201 monoblocks, and an XA9000ES sacd player. It did the "audiophile" thing very well...imaged and staged like crazy, detail was everywhere, etc. But something just wasn't right, I felt. So I decided to completely overhaul my system and went with a 300b tube-based system, and suffice it to say, I have NEVER been happier. I'm done for a looong time.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Note Meishu Phono Signature
    8w of WE 300b magic...
    • Audio Note AN-E/ kit 03
    98db/w, similar to the production AN-E/LX HE
    • Audio Note DAC 3.1x Balanced
    with Amperex Bugle Boys
    • Audio Note CDT-2 mk2
    Great Philips CD-Pro based transport
    • Audio Note An-Vx
    litz wire
    • Poth Audio Purple Power Cable
    These Purples do EVERYTHING well
    • Audio Magic Stealth
    6-outlet conditioner...they mean it when they say it's "magic"
    • Audio Magic Mini Digital
    Brings the life out of digital sources...
    • Audio Note Lexus speaker cable, biwire
    awesome speaker cables
    • McIntosh MR-80
    mint, vintage, glorious sounding

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System edited: My speakers had an unfortunate encounter with my housekeeper and thus needed a refinishing... I decided to go with mahogany crotch veneer, hand-rubbed to a high gloss. I'm ecstatic with how well they turned out :D! My cabinetbuilder, Mitch from, does absolutely top notch work and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to anyone. :)


System edited: Per the advice of a friend, I rearranged the rig to the long wall, while leaving the TV where it is but pushed further back. This has increased the focus of the system dramatically...and has taken the sound to a whole new "level"....!


Hi Doug, the Eggleston Fontaines were excellent speakers tonally. I have yet to hear solo piano reproduced in a more convincing fashion. Where it fell short was the bass (as expected). I actually still own the pair but left it at home in LA while I am at school in New York. :)

The Revel Gems did a number of things very I mentioned, they soundstaged like nobody's business. The staging was very wide and deep, but I felt that they lacked emotional delivery. They certainly were pretty speakers though. :)

And finally, the audio note... every note is reproduced with a fullness and richness that it's definitely VERY hard to listen to anything else after you get hooked on that sound. It's full without being thick, and rich without being overly sweet. I really hope I'm not tempted to move up the Audio Note chain anytime soon, because my wallet cannot take it! :)


Hi Doug, thanks! The speakers were built by a friend of mine, Mitch Despaw, of Middle Branch Furniture, located in upstate New York. He really does some EXCELLENT work (for instance, there are over 15 coats of lacquer on my cabinets alone). If you like I can send you some contact info if you're interested. :)

Before the Gems, I owned the Eggleston Fontaines. I've also been to numerous shows, dealerships, and although i was "wowed" many times by the performance of certain speakers, none of them seem to convey the emotion and "organic"-ness of these Audio Note products. The AN's just simply deliver easy-to-listen-to, room-filling sound that's full and palpable. I don't think you will be disappointed if you decide to go with the kit 03's. :) What speakers are you using now?
