
The equipment speaks for itself. It's musical and very enjoyable and that's what matters to me. I do prefer it with a tube preamp and have used a Supratek Syrah to great benefit. That preamp is now off for repair but I've recently purchased a Wright WPL 10 V here at Audiogon and eagerly await its arrival. If and when the Syrah returns fixed I'll put it back in. Using it is like putting a turbo charger on this system. It kicks it up several notches.

The room, Purple Haze, was remodeled by Steve Dobbins (Vetterone) as a surprise gift to me while my wife and I were out of town for a few days. This room was so ugly that I was ashamed to be in it alone with the lights out. The worlds ugliest paneling adorned the walls and the smoke stained ceiling was fitted with a cheesy ceiling fan and an offset flourescent light. Not only did Steve wallpaper, paint and install new light fixtures, he cleaned my carpet and furniture too. He's a very special and caring guy. Oh yeah, he named the room and the name is going to stay.

I don't want to be too long winded here about the system since it's not exotic at all. Other than saying again how much the Linn gear responds to a reasonable tube preamp I'd also like to mention how much my system has benefitted from interconnects and cones. The Ridge Street line of cabling is incredible! As my system is now configured and being all solid state the conventional wisdom is that silver would be a harsh material to use. Not so. It's a smooth as silk and lets the details come through better than anything I've ever auditioned. The Audio Points cones are used at the speakers and the amps. In each case the overall sound tightened up and imaging much improved. The bass detail improvements were much more than I expected.

This is a fun and relaxed room that I spend a lot of time in. Although some acoustic treatments are forthcoming it is very musical as is.

I would like to once again express my deepest gratitude to all of the folks that have been so generous in helping me take this system and room to completion. Many of you know what I'm talking about and the contributors know who they are. Thank you all

Components Toggle details

    • Linn LP-12 Sondek Ittok
    Purchased in 1984 with the Vahalla. Upgraded to the Cirkus bearing and replaced the Valhalla once due to failure. Regardless of the criticisms heaped on this table it is a solid performer and the best "bang for the buck" piece I've ever bought. I have no compelling reason to replace it.
    • Linn Wakonda phono
    I love the features this preamp provides but much prefer my system with a tube preamp. I recently purchased a Wright WPL 10 V but it is yet to arrive.
    • Linn LK-100
    Aktiv internal stero crossover for treble.
    • Linn LK-100
    Aktiv internal stereo crossover for mid/bass.
    • Linn Keilidh
    Bi-amped Aktiv.
    • Ridge Street Audio Design MSE Gen.II
    Used for preamp to mid/bass Aktiv amp.
    • Ridge Street Audio Design Poiema!!
    Used from preamp to Aktiv treble amp.
    • Ridge Street Audio Design Poiema!!
    Eight foot pair to tweeters.
    • Ridge Street Audio Designs Poiema!!
    Eight foot pair to mid/bass.
    • Lugnut made LP-12 Friendly
    Made by yours truly to accomodate my LP-12 and a couple of electronics.
    • Lugnut made Amp stands
    Layered 3/4" MDF lead filled.
    • Porter Ports Wall outlets
    Cryo'd. Three of them
    • Audio Points Various
    I use Still Points on my speakers and both amplifiers.
    • Sumiko Bluepoint Special
    I have liked this cartridge a lot. I'm either going to install a Shelter 901 or a Sumiko Blackbird in the near future.

Comments 51

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Looks good!

I have a question regarding the Audio Points that you use. I currently have my Bryston 9B SST on a custom made stand designed to hold my Vandersteen VCC5 center channel. The amp sits on the base of the stand. The stand itself is on spikes, but was wodering how much the systm would benefit from putting the amp on Audio Points where it presently sits. Would the center channel and the sub which is right next to it, have much of a negative impact on the sound as it sits?


