Room Details

Dimensions: 20’ × 10’  Medium
Ceiling: 9’

Components Toggle details

    • Marten Design Duke 2
    Wonderful standmounts which are highly resolving. My endgame speakers. 
    • Graham Audio LS5/9 in Ebony
    Great sounding speakers with BBC heritage. The LS5/9 replaced the Harbeth SHL5+ and SHL5 which I have owned for more than a decade.
    • Luxman L-590AXII
    One word, stunning.
    • Luxman DA-06 DAC
    • Chord Electronics Ltd. QBD-76
    Very organic sounding DAC producing a high quality sound. Connected to the laptop.
    • Krell KPS-30i
    Probably my last CD player. Great sound and build. Replaced my Sony XA7ES.
    • Naim Audio NAC-282-NAPSC2
    Great Preamp which replaces the NAC 202
    • Naim Audio NAP-250 DR
    Upgraded from the NAP 200. Main improvements in the bass, overall better layering, detail and texture from top to bottom.
    • Naim Audio Hicap DR
    Replaced the Dual Teddycap
    • Sonneteer Orton
    Nice little British integrated.
    • Acrolink 7N-PC9700
    • Acrolink 8N-PC8100
    • Acrolink 8N-A2080III Evo
    XLR Balanced Interconnect
    • Wireworld Silver Elektra 8
    • Wireworld Platinum Starlight 8 USB
    • Chord Company Signature XL speaker cable
    • Chord Company Signature Tune Aray
    Interconnects which replaced the standard Naim cables
    • IsoAcoustics Gaia
    Gaia II on Marten Duke 2
    Gaia III on Graham LS5/9
    • Furutech GTX-D NCF Outlet + GTX Wall Plate + 104-D Cover
    Highly recommended outlet which brought a HUGE difference in my system when compared to the standard switched wall outlet. When combined with Acrolink cords it is heaven.

Comments 67

Thanks for the comments Puerto. The house is reinforced concrete structure located in Malaysia. Tile floors are common here due to the hot and humid weather all year round.



Ryder: Indeed your decor does look great! I'm curious, your home looks like it is made of concrete or other masonry applications. Are you located south of the border? Does the marble (tile?) floor create a problem for you?


Thanks for the comments Ken. Actually my system is in a dedicated room. The rest of the pictures are my living area.

Well, my system doesn't cost a fortune. There are others here with speakers alone that is equivalent in value to my whole system, maybe a couple. In my dedicated room, I actually have a combination of RPG omnifussors and absorption panels at the back wall behind the listening chair. They made a whole lot of difference. As you can see, I also have absorption panels at both side walls. I only haven't done anything to the ceiling yet, but so far I am quite satisfied with the overall results of my room acoustics.

You can be amazed at the difference if you put some time and effort into maximising the acoustics of the room and speaker placement, especially if the room is dedicated. If done right, the end result can be rewarding.


Really nice set-up Ryder, I bet they sound amazing. Thank you for the post BTW. Sorry I can't comment much on your system because I don't really know much other then it's very nice, and it is. It must cost a fortune, well to me it is. :).


I Love your interior, very Art Decor, I was going to comment on the lighting but since it should have a low lighting effect because it a projection theater. Ryder, you place is open, I see division in the overall space, in the pictures I see that when you walk in I feel that visitor’s destination is to your system, and that is very strong. However it would be nice to add more warmth texture to the space, since you have the dark accent woodwork and gorgeous floor. Just a thought, enjoy.



Hi Lapierre,

Well, Pat Metheny's music sounded sublime with my system as with other well-recorded jazz music. Other badly recorded pop/rock music such as Remy Zero etc. sounded terrible with harsh grainy vocals and poor boomy bass. Totally not listenable. I just figured out poorly recorded CD's sound better with my crappy DVD player played through the AV amp with the DSP settings enabled.


Nice system Hamico.

Love the Plinus SA-MKII and ARC pre amp paired with the PMC LB1 Signature.

How does Pat Metheny sound on your system?



The Plinius amp drove the B&W's nicely producing a warm and yet detailed and dynamic sound. I have also tried Krell and YBA integrateds on the B&W's and they work out equally well albeit not as warm-sounding compared to the Plinius. I am amazed at most comments here on B&W's being bright and harsh as I find it the opposite. Most likely due to listening preferences and/or equipment/room setup.


I like the Plinius amplifier that you have. Great choice. How does it match with B&W speakers?


I haven't update the picture of my system yet as I'm adding more treatments to the front wall. The PMC's will replace the Sonus Faber Grand Pianos. The Plinius was described as a dark and warm amp when compared to the Krell. This was concurred by several other folks that have heard both. Still using the stock cord with the PLinius.

Linnie, it's not cardboard but a smooth fabric which I used to cover up the acoustic foam panels on the wall. The foam panels were not aesthetically pleasing to the eye at all so they needed to be covered up. Currently working on the higher portion above the screen and have chosen black fabric for a change.


What's the brown material on either side of your screen? It looks like cardboard--pretty cool!


Great system! I particularly like your choice in amplification. I've not heard of the Plinius having a 'warm and dark' signature before though. Where in your system did you place your new PMC speakers? Are you using stock power cords or did you upgrade them?



They will be delivering them today. They sounded great in the showroom driven by Bryston 3B-SST. I had a chance to have a listen to the IB1's, while retaining an almost similiar sonic signature to the LB1's they made a bigger presence with their full bass and wider soundstaging. They were too huge(and expensive) for my room though.

My next step is to do something with the room treatments to improve them aesthetically, if not sonically. This may take a while, and will post some pictures when ready.


Did you get the PMC speakers yet? Let us know how it all sounds - and som enew pics of course!



Yes I actually like my amp but have found that it's not a good match with my current speakers, the SF Grand PIanos. The warm and dark signature of the Plinius coupled with the equally warm and rolled-off treble of the Grand Pianos proved to be a mismatch. I've managed to get a Krell KAV-300i in to drive the GP's and this proved to be a better combination.

As for your recommendation of upgrading the speakers or the sub, maybe you are right that it's better for me to consider a speaker upgrade. I am actually leaning more toward getting a pair of B&W N803's now as they would then be an ideal match with the Plinius. The plus side is that I am a long-time B&W fan having owned the CDM 1SE's for almost 9 years. Thanks for the thought.


IMHO your amp is already very good and a reasonable match for your current speakers. Since you have a dedicated room and have the space - why not consider a speaker upgrade or a sub first? (For the money I think this would give you the most bang for the buck...a sub for the low end or a bigger three way to give you more dynamics and low end)


I have full authority on the color. :)


Nice clean set-up. I have the same set of speakers but don't have the dedicated room like you. Did your wife have a say in the room color. :)


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