
Two years ago if someone would have said I would have spent this much (to me) on a 2 channel system I wold have told them to get out the straight jacket! I've been friends of Squidboyw and Nrchy for a while and have been benefiting from hand me downs when they upgrade. What a great way to get into Purist wire. The room is 15 x 38 and the Soliloquy's really fill out the room. My musical preferences are rock, single artist both male and female with alot of live performances. I'm one of the "you are there" type of listeners and the synergy of the room and the equipment gives good, open highs and can really get down in the bass. Doesn't have the slam of a sub but for my ears I'm glad. I've heard systems that give a lot more detail but the musicality of the performers is there with this setup. You can feel them leaning into the strings or swinging that horn around. With Squidbyw's help we've worked on speaker placement and different kinds of tweaks. The plants really work!! It's been a good journey and a good destination for a while. We'll see about the future.


Components Toggle details

    • JVC M-3030
    This is a 1970 era dual mono stereo amp. New caps, diy power cord and some new internal wiring and binding posts. What a wonderful sound this amp brings forth. The Soliloquy's sing!
    • Krell KBL
    The Krell is the one for now. Went from Adcom to Parasound and now Krell. At least in this setup you sure can't call it Clinical sounding.
    • Sony DVP-S9000es
    This is and has been a nice sounding player. Using the video cutout really helps the audio playback.
    • Soliloquy 6.3
    This was the biggest surprise and what started the upgrade path. A 2.5 way speaker with the 2 6.5's sharing the bottom end with the middle driver going the lowest. In this room and with the amp and source and everything else these really sing.
    • Purist Colossus Rev. A
    One set has been sent back for reterm and upgrade. The best $85 I ever spent. Wonderful people to work with. Next pair going back soon.
    • Purist Museaus shotgun bi-wire
    Nice cables. Another Green Bay hand me down and love them.
    • Old cable management Monster
    This is how the cables were run.
    • New cable management Monster
    Everything is now off the floor with nothing touching. To my ears, this helped.
    • Teac T-H 500
    Does a good job.
    • Tweaks Various
    Aurious bearings. Trying some brass cones. Homemade cable lifters. DIY power cords all around. Monster 1100 PowerBar.

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System edited: System edited. Did some work on cable management. Everything is now off the floor with no cables crossing one another. To my ears, it seemed to clean things up visually and sonicly. For a cost of three dollars you can't beat it!


Hi Xplastic. I've got some other things going on right now so no upgrades in the near future. When the upgrade bug hits it will probable be the source. I might do a modwright upgrade on the Sony.
