
I had owned various Audio Research preamps w/tubes over the years, but never a tube amp or any tubed components like a CD player etc. This year (2001) I took the plunge with the VT100 Mk III, and then because of my shocked amazement I had to keep going, with the BAT pre, the ARC phono pre, and then the vintage tube tuner too! The sound I hear is so rich, full, liquid, and detailed, whether I'm listening to CD, SACD, LP, or tuner, that I am amazed and awe-struck. Is this what they mean by the "tube sound?" I used to run a Goldmund Mimesis 29 SS power amp w/these speakers and an ARC LS-15 pre, both excellent products, but the sound was NOT like this. I wonder what tube monoblocks would do for my speakers (the Genesis have their own built-in amps for the woofers so the tubes are only on the mids and tops)? I am perfectly satisfied with this sound now, however, and could live with it forever (and because of the time and expense i've invested, i pray I do!). The Ensemble interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, and power conditioning products finished off a strikingly musical-sounding system, to my ears. After they broke in (1-2 months), the Ensemble products added another several degrees/levels of depth, liquidity, and detail, to my ears. I would love to add another Isolink to the preamp, but other than that I have no urge to add or change anything! That is a milestone for me. This system and sound just suits me. I hope my hearing will always allow me to appreciate it. Comments, suggestions appreciated. Sarah

SYSTEM EDITED: I got another Ensemble Isolink for the preamp (thanks Audiogon) and I changed my ARC phono pre to the Linn Linto for the full Linn treatment of vinyl. Very very nice. I'm wondering about a new universal player like the Ayre CX-5e but otherwise everything is just perfect for me.

Components Toggle details

    • Logitech Squeezebox Touch
    An excellent music streamer especially when used with a DAC.
    • PS Audio Transport
    Used with a PS Audio triad of transport, DACII, and bridge.
    • PS Audio DACII with Bridge
    Using this with the PS Audio transport and bridge to see how it compares with the Squeezebox as a streamer and with the Marantz for CDs.
    • Marantz SA-11S2
    I still play SACDs from my modest collection and this player does a great job on them and on redbook CDs as well.
    • Meridian 204
    Shoebox sized tuner bought new years ago--still sounds great.
    • Nakamichi CR-7A
    Bought this back in the late 80's and have lots of mix tapes I made back in those days. Can't say I play them much anymore but this is my heritage and I can't just get rid of it!
    • Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK-55SE monoblocks
    These replaced my trusty ARC VT100 MKIII but not sure for the better. They are very good but not as punchy as I remember the ARC.
    • Balanced Audio VK32-SE
    Beautiful looking and sounding preamp.
    • Linn LP-12 full
    w/ Ekos and Akiva cartridge, Lingo II power supply, and Linto phono preamp.
    • Linn Linto and Lingo
    dead quiet high gain phono preamp and Linn power supply
    • Genesis Technologies 500
    • Audio Art SE-5 SE
    1 ft pair for my mono blocks, heavy duty gold spades
    • Ensemble Dynaflux
    balanced interconnects
    • Ensemble Masterflux
    RCA interconnect for Meridian tuner
    • Sonoran Plateau
    RCA interconnect
    • Wireworld Silver Starlight (x3)
    HDMI between PS Audio transport and DAC, USB for laptop streaming, and coaxial between Squeezebox Touch and DAC.
    • Audience Au24
    10 ft power cords from Genesis speakers to dedicated outlets
    • Ensemble FSF Megaflux
    1 m power cords for amp, SACD, preamp
    • Sonoran Plateau
    power cord for DAC
    • Ensemble Isolink (x 2)
    power transformers for SACD player and BAT preamp. I found both units used on Audiogon, fantastic value.
    • Richard Gray 1200C
    12 outlet power conditioner
    • Audiopoints Sistrum
    5 metal shelves on audiopoints
    • Solid Steel 5-shelf rack
    Rack for my analog gear.
    • Audiopoints Sistrum platform speaker stands
    w/audiopoints top and bottom
    • Audiopoints cones/points
    under each component
    • Goldmund Cones
    set of cones between amp and stand
    • Ayre Myrtle blocks
    little wooden blocks between Lingo and Linto
    • Audionut Cable Elevators
    ceramic things to hold your cables off the floor!

Comments 34

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Aloha Sc53,

Your pix were most helpful in imagining how to use the Sistrum with analog. Thanks. I found them last night and they were the most pertinent illustration I've seen on using those racks. Unfortunately, the drawings Robert has on his Sistrum website don't assist you in assessing how they'd look in use.

Besides a few conversations with Robert himselt and using Audio Points in Stehno's Dynamic-Contrasts Tiger-Moth rack he designed around them (an excellent performance stand in its own right), your pix were the most encouraging things I've encountered about Sistrum.

Congratulations, by the way, on two serious systems (three?). I like the way your Linn TT works on the top of the platform without the Sistrum plate or other shelf. It looks great!

If I go this Sistrum route, I'll think about getting a Black Diamond shelf for the power supply and phono, so I can place them both on one level. That's a great suggestion.

What size/dimension shelf do you suggest? I also have thin MDF shelves lying around I can put in use until I find a good deal on a Black Diamond.

I've just bought a Nottingham Spacedeck and arm and Shelter 501.2 cartridge. I'm very excited about this--that I can envision getting a 5-shelf Sistrum and placing the TT on the top shelf.

And what is the white shelf-like board on top of the Marantz in one of your pix? Is it there for mass-loading?

Thank you very much.
