
Hi everyone...I have been through a lot of gear over the last five years. Where to start? These are the most notable...


Exposure 2010s2 - not a huge fan. Could sound very exciting, but could also sound hard and had a tendency to homogenize the image

Naim Nait 5i - a great amp! Dynamic, good separation, honest sound

Settled on the Audio Space for it's ability to really let you see into the performance. The resolution is outstanding, the noise floor lower than the other amps I've tried. The sound just never seems to get congested no matter how much is going on in the performance.

The CEC is excellent as well. I currently have it in my system powering the ProAc's. CEC claims it is Class A, single-ended, with no negative feedback. Not sure if it lives up to those claims, but it sounds hugely dynamic, open, and clear. A phenomenal amp for the $500 (used) that I paid for it.

CD Players:

Rega Saturn/35th Ann. Apollo - not a huge fan of these players. Aside from the numerous glitches that Rega's players seem to have, I found the sound a little too bass heavy

Naim CD5X - another great Naim piece. Yes, I ran it with the 5i. Solid all around

The Triode replaced the CD5X. I don't know how to describe the sound other than it just flows so naturally. The timing feels bang on, so the message the music is intended to convey comes through in spades.


Too many to list. I will say that the ProAc's were the first speaker in a long while that I was really taken by. The midrange is the star; consequently, music is filled with a life and vibrancy that was lacking before.


The Radio 3 is an excellent piece. It replaced an entry level Cambridge Audio tuner. The sound is 10x better. It is like the Rega removed a sheet from in front of the speaker.

Phono Preamp:

This was one of my best upgrades. It also replaced a Cambridge Audio unit (the much lauded 640P). Well, lauded or not, the 640P cannot hold a candle to the Brio. Everything improved - there is more gain, more clarity, more weight, better separation, more resolution, a cleaner image, and on and on it goes. If you have an entry level phono pre - upgrade it! You don't have to go completely nuts and buy something for 5 figures...the Brio cost me $500 (used). It showed me just how important the phono stage is.

Next up: will try out a Denon DCD-A100. Their 100th anniversary flagship CD/SACD player. This thing is heavier than many amps I've tried! Built like a tank. I have around 40 SACD titles...they are still being released and so I will selectively add more. I figure this is a valid reason to go for a good SACD player. Much as I love the Triode Corp. player, I will be moving to the A100 (unless the Denon sounds terrible, which is unlikely). That should get me off the CD player merry-go-round. It's always tempting to try something new, but committing to SACD really narrows down my options - thus, I figure this should be the last disc spinner I ever buy.

Components Toggle details

    • Triode Corp. TRV-CD4SE
    Tube CD player
    • Rega Planar-25
    Maple finish
    • Synthesis Brio
    Tube phono stage
    • Rega Radio 3
    Black finish
    • Nordost White Lightning
    • Audio Space Galaxy 34
    Integrated Amp
    • CEC Amp3300r
    Silver finish
    • Chord Odyssey
    • Proac Tablette-2000 Sig
    Ebony finish

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Thanks, Dfhaleycko! I actually already own a copy of Jim's book. I've read it once and intend to read it again. Dealing with the room will be my next step. I think the room is actually quite good as it is. It's carpeted, the ceiling isn't smooth so it also absorbs/diffracts sound waves, and there are a few pieces of furniture as well. Adding some well-placed treatments, however, may help the cause.

Computer audio - this is another option. I am not bad with computers, but I still like physical media and just haven't felt the urge to change that. So this isn't something I plan to do anytime soon, but it is the future so one day I will probably make the leap (or maybe I'll just buy the cheap physical media that everyone has left behind!). I admit it can be very cool to just flip through your albums on a tablet and choose what you want to hear in seconds without getting up.
