
Ive been through many amps and speakers but i like what this system does. Very good on vocals and jazz; but i listen to everything but rap...will work on more room treatments..just got the Khartagos not bad but not as nice as my Mccormack REV B amp..i'll keep it.

Components Toggle details

    • Odyssey Khartago Mono Blocks
    150 per channrl
    • VTL TL-5.5
    NOS Tubes
    • Merlin TSMXe
    2 way sealed box.
    • Marigo Power Cords RMX
    These on Amps
    • Richard Gray 400s
    For CD player and Pre-amp
    • Denon DRS-810
    I have two Denon Decks The 800 andthe 810
    • BDR Racing Cones 3 and 4
    Plus those things. Also use BDR cones under the Apogees instead of spikes.
    • Preimer Stands 4 shelves
    2 for the mono blocks
    • Analysis Plus Oval Nine
    2 8ft. pairs for bi-wiring
    • Siltech SQ 56 SQ56
    i meter and 1/2 meter pair from pre-amp to amp; and from cd player to pre.
    • Roksan Caspian CD
    single disk player
    • VTL ST-85
    El 34 based amp with 4 6ca7 Fat Boy Tubes.

Comments 13

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Go on Audiogon..sometimes people sell them .a lot of places sell them..just google BDR Racing Cones...i'm sure some place to buy them shoes up..if you get them buy the metal srew in inserts..they will screw into the bottom of the apogees like a spike...but better,,at least to me...


Believe it or not i use BDR Racing cones under the speakers...expensive but i thought it sounded much better Get the inserts they screw right into the bottom of the speaker...


System edited: Sold Mcormack DNA 0.5 REV B and now have Odyssey Khartago Mono Blocks.


My thoughts are its a nice pre-amp...has HT bypass two outs and not too hard on the tubes..i've had it 2 years with no problems..there are some nice write ups on this pre-amp..
