
Ive been through many amps and speakers but i like what this system does. Very good on vocals and jazz; but i listen to everything but rap...will work on more room treatments..just got the Khartagos not bad but not as nice as my Mccormack REV B amp..i'll keep it.

Components Toggle details

    • Odyssey Khartago Mono Blocks
    150 per channrl
    • VTL TL-5.5
    NOS Tubes
    • Merlin TSMXe
    2 way sealed box.
    • Marigo Power Cords RMX
    These on Amps
    • Richard Gray 400s
    For CD player and Pre-amp
    • Denon DRS-810
    I have two Denon Decks The 800 andthe 810
    • BDR Racing Cones 3 and 4
    Plus those things. Also use BDR cones under the Apogees instead of spikes.
    • Preimer Stands 4 shelves
    2 for the mono blocks
    • Analysis Plus Oval Nine
    2 8ft. pairs for bi-wiring
    • Siltech SQ 56 SQ56
    i meter and 1/2 meter pair from pre-amp to amp; and from cd player to pre.
    • Roksan Caspian CD
    single disk player
    • VTL ST-85
    El 34 based amp with 4 6ca7 Fat Boy Tubes.

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I have long admired Merlin speakers, but they've always been a bit out of my price range, 'though I'd love to have a pair. You mentioned on another thread that you once owned VAC amps. I bought mine on A'gon for the sum of $1200. I wasn't very impressed with it until I swapped out all the tubes. NOS Telefunken 12AU7's and 12AT7's, along with Mullard reissue EL34's, branded Groove Tube. Now, it's my favoite amp of the three I have now.

I've read very good things about Odyessy Khartago amps, and with that VTL preamp, and those Merlin's, your system must sound incredible.

Congratulations, and enjoy!
