
Done on a budget most of the gear new but priced right as I waited and waited for the right piece at the right price.

Would like some feedback if you wish.

I will be adding some photos at the weekend.

My room is a converted garage wife hates it can t fit her Volvo in whatÂ’s left.

Sound treatment is sorely needed as the room is very hard and small even with carpet.

I will post a photo of the room with dimentions so maybe I can get some feedback on what to do next.

That was 2005 so 6 years on I have improved over the origonal system.

Components Toggle details

    • Nottingham Dais
    After a classic Heybrook TT2 that I owned through the 80s in the UK. to a Thorens TD160 MkII where I tried to learn the finer points of understanding the relationship between the patter, arm, cartridge and wax.
    To thebeautiful looking but temperamental Audiomecca Romance and now the fourth and final TT, a Nottingham Dais with a Dual Arm Set Up.
    Not the best looking but very smooth sounding and great exercise when you lift the 40+lbs platter
    • Nottingham Anna
    Stock arm for the Dais with a Grado Referance
    • Rega RB-300
    Mounted The Denon 103r on this arm
    • Grado THE REFERENCE 1
    Set up on the Anna Arm
    • Denon 103r
    Set up on the Rega Arm
    • oppo BDP-83
    this was my upgrade from the modded Denon 3910. I an play CDs through the Steelhead via analog cables or through the Denon via HDMI or Optical if I listen to SCAD or I dont want to deal with any hum
    • Esoteric Sound Surface Noise Reducer
    Works very well for minor noise on my older LP's with a minor loss in calrity.
    In the bypass mode it is does not seem to affect the sound at all.
    Highly recomended for those with less than perfect recordings
    • Manley Laboratories Steelhead
    With the Line Level Input. I am looking to move from this excellent phono pre as I do not need all the intricate adjustments that it offers. As Anna says "ideal for tweakers” but me I just want to switch it on and listen to my vinyl and not have the nagging suspicion that the cartridge needs 10 more picofarads.
    • Manley Laboratories Snappers
    Great Sounding Amps just cant live with the battle against hum.
    • Denon 5308Ci
    Excelent HT amp use it to drive the Niles HT speakers and listen to SCAD of regular CD's when I dont want hum
    • Buttkicker BKA-1000n
    Excelent power amp for the Buttkickers stable down to 2ohms and 1900w can reproduce frequencies down to 4hz
    • Merlin Music Systems VSM millennium
    Got these direct from Bobby (A man with passion for his products)
    smooth sound, these are powered by the tube setup, But I think they need more room than I have to offer their full potential. on the wall you can see the Niles PHD60's.
    • Niles PHD60
    Front HT Speakers
    • Niles PHD30
    Center Channel .
    This is behind the screen as the screen is acoustically transparent
    • Gallo Acoustics ' A'Diva
    Used for my surrounds Mounted in the ceiling and very inconspicuous
    • Gallo Acoustics Micro sat
    Used for the Back Surround Speakers agin Used for my surrounds mounted in the ceiling and very inconspicuous
    • Velodyne X 2 SPL-800r
    Swithched out my Earthquake 15" for two of the Velodyne as the Earthquake was just too much sub for such a small room. The Velodynes work better as they are ajustable via the remote for music, film or games.
    • 4 X Buttkickers LFE
    Mounted all four transducers under the stage. The result is a very immersive movie experience they are only set at about 18% volume with a frequency cut off 40hz, an added bonus is the Denon has an Dedicated adjustable Transducer channel just for this purpose.

    I built the stage from aluminum and the front of the stage extends out about 18" by means of two electric actuators. This allows the rear chairs to fully recline. The front seating is a bit close but the kids dont seem to mind
    • Xindac All Cables
    After buying into the cable hype (trying some so-called "high end" cables, I settled on using Xindac IC for all my cabling. From Power to Speaker to Ic's. I have various Xindac silver Ics and power from the Oppo and Denon, then copper for all the tube gear works fine well made and looks great. And if I move it around it still sound great. Therefore, I am convinced that silver vs. copper vs. gold is just another excuse for a discussion it does not make the slightest difference to how the system sounds.
    • Tice Power Block III
    Everything goes through this powerhouse
    • Interpower Leviton
    Went with a dedicated circuit just for this room. (Not that it made a blind bit of difference).
    • X-10 Various
    Used a few X-10 Modules for lighting all conrolled by a URC 950mx remote that I still keep tweaking adding macros and reprogramming.
    The beamer is an Optma 8600HD
    • Wii Wii
    Kids Gaming
    • X-Box Another Gaming System
    It aint Nintendo 64 anymore

Comments 10

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Ernest again Steven the Mit Isolater was vey expensive when the MIT hit the market with their Z-products they have come down to sane level prices. i have seen some of their Z-centres going in the $400.00 I think their z- products are worth keeping and the Isolatar depending what you spentcould well be a deal,they have one more piece and it deals with voltage regulation and Powerfactor Correction? Heads Up Buddy, Ernest


Hey Steve,Ernest here, I was just taking a peek at some of your equipment and a few issues we all have with our systems. Steve I didn`t know you are into using some MIT wire for speakering and interconnecting! I have a 8 ft bi-wire pair of T2`s which need to be reterminated at the ampside the speakerside still has original banana`s and are in real good shape. Once reterminated I suppose you`ll lose about a half ft maybe less with the tails. I have a buddy who does reterminations ,I could get them done for you and send them to florida, no charge, just give me the word! these are originnal bi-wires from about 10yrs ago and they were chargeing $750 at the time, I think the dollar was 36% going the U.S. way. I will also shoot you a short email. Ernest
