
I started a maniacal journey into good music reproduction in March of 2004 after I wandered into Overture Audio here in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Not having been into audio since my teenage years, I thought perhaps I would spend a couple thousand dollars and be set. But once I experienced the magic of an involving hi-fi, I was doomed. Now, after spending a silly amount beyond what I had initially planned - most of it on the used market - I have reached a point of real peace. This equipment is bringing pure musical joy into my life.

I have heard a fair amount of gear, but have settled on Linn (especially w/ active speakers) as my flavor. When your system has caused you to study a musical instrument, and to think about music theory and composing for the first time in your life, then it is doing something very right.

I may choose to downgrade a bit in the near future, but for now I'm staying put.

Components Toggle details

    • Linn LP-12 Lingo
    I was initially a bit of a skeptic about analog, but this table with the Cirkus upgrade (and particularly once I upgraded from Valhalla to the Lingo II power supply) made me a believer. I still find analog complicated, often frustrating, and quite expensive. But vinyl has a greater ability to make my feet tap, my face smile, and to engender spontaneous dance than any 0's and 1's I have yet encountered. Though this table has its detractors, (some of whom have actually heard the radically better modern version, the wide majority whom have not) I find it to be wonderfully musical. It is also a great bargain on the used market, provided you know what you are doing or have good dealer support.
    • Linn Ekos
    The MK II model. The second of these arms I have owned - wonderful both times.
    • Linn Akiva
    This cartridge is truly a wonderous bit of audio magic. It makes my system sound like I once only dreamed it would.
    • Linn Unidisk 1.1
    Wonderful universal player, though I use it almost exclusively for CDs.
    • Linn Linto
    Really a very good phono stage. I have suspected that I might be able to do better, but so far what I have tried has come up way short of the Linto.
    • Linn Klimax Kontrol
    What can I say? This is the closest thing to perfection I've heard in the audio world (for my tastes, of course). When I walk past it I still at times feel like kneeling down and crying, "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy!"
    • Linn Chakra 6100 (w/ Dynamic PS)
    Driving my Espek's actively, and most beautifully. Great amps for the money, as long as you don't need tons of power, which running actively, I don't.
    • Linn Espek (running active)
    Running actively. Making these active transforms them in a way that can take your breath away. Espeks are very nice, accurate speakers when run passively. Active with Chakra amps, they are glorious.
    • Sound Anchor Speaker Stands
    Custom made for my Espeks, and a very wise decision. They dramatically tighten up the sound and sense of timing conveyed by the Espeks over the stock bases.
    • Linn Silver
    (3 pair). Such nice interconnects, and a great value even new. Used, they're a steal.
    • Linn K600 (tri-wired)
    In 18' runs. Amazing, but my wife doesn't mind this cable even in the living room.
    • Furman IT Reference 15
    The only line conditioner I have tried that actually improved the sound of my system. Before I plugged straight into the wall, and was happy. But it now seems like my equipment wasn't fully working before - I just hadn't realized it until I plugged this thing in. HIGHLY recommended.
    • Dedicated Lines
    I never would have guessed the amount of difference this would make - my wife thought I had upgraded my preamp. I don't know if it is quite as important now that I have the Furman, but undoubtably still a good thing.

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Hey There! I just bought a set of Espeks. Didn't have the Ku-Stone stands. Do you have a pic of your sound anchor stands?
