
I'm a total vinyl junky, so my system will always be geared towards that end of the source spectrum.

I'm very happy with the Rega table and arm. And the Clearaudio cartridge is perfect for my needs.

The StudioLab speakers are fantastic. Not to be confused with the Canadian StudioLAB brand, these are really nice 3 way speakers. Very clear mids and highs, and nice deep tight bass.

My music collection includes classical/modern (mostly 20th century), punk/no wave (Wire, Husker Du, James Chance, Pere Ubu), lots of rock and folk/blues (Taj Mahal, early Springsteen), and everything in between.

I'd love comments and recommendations for a music lover and budding audiophile.

Components Toggle details

    • Rega Planar3
    An older Planar3 in perfect shape.
    • Rega RB300
    One of the best value arms on the market.
    • Clearaudio Classics
    Wood body MM cartridge
    • Mosquito Groupe StudioLab 402
    Floor standing 3 way speakers. 2x170mm woofers, 110mm midrange, 25mm dome tweeter. Made in France
    • Micromega Logic
    An old but good sounding CD player. It has a great transport with a solid drawer. Might upgrade later with external DAC.
    • CEC AMP 3300
    A great solid state integrated amp. This brand is majorly under-appreciated.
    • DH Labs Silver Sonic BL-1
    3 stereo pairs
    • DH Labs Silver Sonic T-14
    8 feet per speaker
    • Project The Phono Box
    entry level phono stage, good value

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System edited: I upgraded lots of components since my last post.. I got a Planar3 with a brand new RB300 and a Micromega Logic CD player that I'm happy with. Always more to do.. next I think I'll get a new Phono stage.


System edited: Just replaced my old Marantz 1152DC with a new CEC AMP 3300 integrated. Huge difference.. the soundstage and separation are greatly improved and all my music sounds so much better. I love listening to old favourites for the first time again.
