
This has been a long evolutionary process. The goals are soundstaging and excitement over a wide range of musical genres with relatively nearfield listening.

Components Toggle details

    • Audio Research LS-5 mkIII
    tube preamp
    • Audio Research DAC-8
    • Logitech Transporter
    • Tyler Acoustics D3M
    • Pass Labs XA-30.8
    Power Amp

Comments 36

QUAD 988's are one of the best speakers I've ever heard. I don't think they need a lot of power. I think they would be amazing with your system. I've seen some used pairs in the $3500 range. Good Luck


Hey Mike,

One speaker that I am really curious about, and it is very tube friendly, is the Audio Note series speakers. There is one for sale along with the OTO integrated amp on Audiogon now.

Other speakers that are tube friendly I would recommend for you are, of course, Tannoys with the dual concentric drivers and Proac Tab Sigs.


Hey Viggen,

I know that the tube lifespan thing favors the tube preamp/solid state amp, but I've been told that the tubes in my Audio Valve monoblocks should last a good "2-3 years". I'm really enjoying the sound of the solid state preamp with the tube amps.

The speakers are definitely next on my list. I'm looking for some speakers that will work well with my 50wpc amps, play classical music brilliantly (I prefer full, detailed, well-soundstaged music), and do all of this in a rather confined space. Any suggestions?



Hey Mike,

Long time no talk. I am actually doing something similar but different. My current amp is the CA50, which I just learned, it is a integrated amp with tube power and solid state pre. I am trying to move away from the CA50 and get a solid state amp and connecting the CD, which has attenuation, directly.

I've purchased two power amps, so far, and still comparing the three and, eventually, will come to a conclusion.

I know for ergonomics advantages, I'd rather have a tube pre and solid state power amp since power tubes uses up more wattage and has shorter tube life.


System edited: I switched from a tube preamp (VAC CLA-1 Mk II) to a solid state preamp (Musical Fidelity A3cr) and I'm getting considerably more detail and lifelike music from violins, drums, and horns. I've been discovering that I really like SS preamp / Tube amp combinations, even though the conventional wisdom is the opposite. Am I the only one who feels this way? Michael


Your preamp should sound better in passive mode more sensitive speakers are best to use with low power tubes horns give you quick transients and hudge dynamics .threw set amps the musicality can not be beat .good luck with your search .JK


Thank you all for your responses!

Johnk, my current speakers are 89 db efficient. What would I be getting out of horns that's better? More clarity? Wouldn't I also be putting myself at risk for hearing more noise? I also have a touchy preamp that I have to run in passive mode just to keep it from being too loud when the volume control is only in the 9 o'clock position (and the attenuator is quantized); wouldn't having more efficient speakers make this volume issue even worse?

I was thinking of eventually upgrading to a nice used pair of Vienna Acoustics Beethovens when/if the time comes. Does anyone have any comments about these speakers compared to other possibilities?

Thanks again!



try a horn or sensitive speaker like moths or cain&cains .You will be impressed


I enjoy reading about my peers systems! its nice to see that there are this many my age(close enough any way) into this hobby. Any more youngsters please share with us. Happy listening ~Tim


excellent amplifiers keep them.



Nice to see the Twenty-Somethings finally comming out of the wood-work! How about B&W speakers? I love them with my tubes!

-Adam 23


Showing 26 - 36 of 36 posts