
I have been assembling this rig for a few years now. Discovering Audiogon has helped me to attain some components that would be out of my price range new. The Marantz SA-14 is the newest addition, just yesterday actually. I've come a long way and am happy with what I have though I'm sure the upgrade bug will hit me again down the road. Interconnects and speaker cable are probably next in line. I try to listen daily. My favorite time for brief listening is early morning after I have worked out, showered and had breakfast. Between then and when I leave for work I usualy have about 45 minutes or so. I relax and listen as long as possible. Extened listening sessions are sadly all too infrequent.

Components Toggle details

    • Aragon 8008 BB
    Been very happy with this monster. Nice analog like sound, plenty of power. Got it used here on Audiogon
    • Musical Fidelity A3cr
    Dual mono pre amp. Works well. No plans to replace right now though I have toyed in the past with the thought of a tube pre amp.
    • Marantz SA-14
    Just got this baby yesterday. Can't offer a solid opinion yet but after my all too brief initial audition this one is a great addition to the rig.
    • Mirage M-5si
    As of today my longest surviving components. I probably can do better but these sound real nice so I have no plans as of now to upgrade. When I do will go to a slightly smaller speaker due to space constraints.
    • PS Audio P-300
    A key addition this past year or so. has made a big difference and I recently had it modified by Ps Audio, making the impact even greater. Don't think I could do without it or something similar again.
    • Marantz CDR-500
    Cd player recorder. I use this to burn high quality custom cd compliations. decent playback capability if I needed it in a pinch.
    • Ps Audio Extreme Statement
    Top power cord that I use from my amp to the dedicated line.
    • Ps Audio Extreme Prelude
    This connects my power plant to the dedicated line.
    • TRL Silver
    Heavy duty quality power cord from Tube Research Labs. Connects the Marantzsa 14 to the Power plant.
    • Signal Cable Basic Cord
    Great value power cord runs from my pre-amp to the power plant.
    • Signal Cable Analog 2
    I have these running from my amp top pre amp and from the SA-14 to the pre amp.
    • Audioquest Coral
    I use these for my Marantz cdr after I felt the Signal Cables sounded better.
    • Audioquest Basic
    Bi wired in double runs as my amp has 4 binding posts per channel.

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Like the Aragon amps. Always represented a very good value, with gobs of power. Really enjoyed mine until it got fried by a DC coupled preamp, which fueled the switch to tubes.
