
There are a lot of Cherry components here--cherry finish on the Titus 202 and Sub Espace, cherry StudioTech stands, cherry Bello rack.

Plus, it sounds pretty cherry too, whatever that means.

Planned upgrades:

-biwire Titus 202's if I can find more Silver Ghost cable

-biamp using a C-J MV-55

Components Toggle details

    • Conrad-Johnson CAV-50
    Triode mode. Siemens EL34's, RCA red base 5692's, Telefunken 12ax7's and 12au7.
    • Triangle Titus 202
    -Cherry finish -Audioquest Type 4+ speaker cable -Studio Tech Ultra Cherry 24" stands
    • Triangle Sub Espace 202
    -Cherry finish -Canare LV-77S connected to CAV-50's preamp output
    • Philips DVD963SA
    Used as transport for X-DACv3 and as an SACD player.
    • Musical Fidelity X-DACv3
    -Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Copper digital .5m cable
    • Musical Fidelity X-10v3
    -Kimber PBJ cable, .5m from X-DACv3 -Kimber PBJ cable, 1.0 m, to CAV-50
    • Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3
    Connected with Kimber PBJ 1m cable to CAV-50
    • Musical Fidelity X-PSUv3
    Upgraded power supply for X-DACv3, X-10v3, and X-LPSv3.
    • Denon DP-23F
    -may replace with Rega P3 in future
    • Grado ZF3
    -may replace with Sumiko Blue Point in future
    • Belkin PureAV PF-60
    Power conditioner
    • Kimber PBJ
    1.5m, 1m, and .5m lengths used for all analog interconnects.
    • Triangle Silver Ghost
    Speaker cables used for monitors, terminated in Audioquest banana plugs.
    • Canare LV-77S
    2m pair used as subwoofer cable.
    • Cardas Twinlink
    2m. Used as power cord for Sub Espace.
    • Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Copper
    .5m digital interconnect between transport and DAC.

Comments 18

Nice system. How do you like your Belkin Power Conditioner?


System edited: Replaced Audioquest Type 4+ speaker cables with Triangle Silver Ghost cables.


At one point in time I was considering the IT-85. However, I decided that I enjoyed the Conrad-Johnson "house sound" better than that of VTL, so I went with a CAV-50. They are similar amps and both are great products. I prefer the C-J's rounder, warmer sound to the VTL's drier, more accurrate presentation.


You mention the VTL IT-85 amp. I had the pleasure of listening to this with a Nottingham Spacedeck, Benz Ruby, and once with a pair of Dynaudio 52SE and just yesterday driving a pair of Verity Audio Tamino X2. That is a really sweet little amp. Had no problem driving either speaker to high volume with tight deep bass. Was extremely musical and enjoyable with both speakers. A real pleasure.


System edited: Replaced Creek OBH-8 and OBH-2 with Musical Fidelity X-LPSv3 and X-PSUv3.


System edited: Swapped ot Canare LV-61S digital interconnect for a Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Copper. I used the Cyberlink over a year ago. I'm glad I returned it to use!


I am looking for a "virtual 5.1" sound processor to add to my processor loop. Does such a thing exist?


I like the Philips 963 for SACD playback. For CD playback, the MF DAC sounds great. The 963 was ok for CD playback, but nothing special.

As far as the Kora Explorer, I haven't really heard muuch about that brand, and after a review in Stereophile which suggested it was delicate and pretty easy to damage, I was a little reticent to try it. YBA is a little out of my price range.

I decided to go with the CAV-50. It is truly a great sounding amp. Maybe I'll replace the signal tubes with some French military ones! right now, though, I'm looking at Siemens for the EL-34's, 12ax&a's, and 12au7. I'm sticking with RCA's for the 6sn7's. thanks for the comments!


System edited: Replaced Jolida 502A with Conrad-Johnson CAV-50.


I am partial to French stereo equipment as well. I just got a Kora Explorer 90 and it makes magic with my Focal JM Labs. Have you thought of trying out a French integrated? The 90 is considered one of the best and it's cheap! Also YBA sounds pretty good with Triangles although it can be light in the bass.

I'd love to hear you system! Regalez-vous. Arthur


System edited: Minor changes: added Conrad-Johnson VAV-50 as possible replacement for the Jolida.


I too have the philips 963 and am not all that crazy about it anymore. What happended when you added the MF dac? Thanks.


System edited: Added 1.5m Kimber PBJ's to the list. I hooked up my TiVo and Television to the system. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone...


System edited: Replaced NAD 512 with Philips DVD963SA DVD/SACD/CD player. The NAD 512 is for sale if I have any takers.


System edited: Added listings for interconnects, power cable, and speaker cables.


Pictures coming soon!

If anyone is interested in purchasing my Creek OBH-8 phono amp and OBH-2 power supply, NAD 512 CD Player, and Joldia 502A integrated amp, make me an offer. I also have a .5m Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Copper digital cable available for sale or trade.


Ou contraire! The French Revolution, at least as embodied in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, stood for the institution of a system founded upon reason rather than based on tradition. Of course, the revolution lost its way...

Hopefully through upgrades and replacements, my system will not lose its way as well. Next on the guillotine is the Jolida, to be replaced by a VTL IT-85.


The french revolution was a war against reason, and should be a cause of shame to thinking people everywhere since it's fruits are still evident. Your system on the other hand seems to be well thought out and put together. No shame in that!


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