
All but the Bluetooth adapter gotten used/demo from this and the other site. What a great way to shop! Everything came in great shape and works well. This is my second pair of MA speakers and I've been delighted both times. I know lots of folks are into vinyl and tubes, but as an elderly man I remember all too well the pops and crackles of vinyl and the frequently crashing tubes. I'm happy with this and only look forward to getting a solid streamer. To paraphrase the Talmud--Who has the best system? the person who is happy with what he has!

Room Details

Dimensions: 12’ × 12’  Small
Ceiling: 8’

Components Toggle details

    • Monitor Audio PL100 II
    Stand mount, great sound. Work beautifully in this small, irregularly shaped room. Got them half-price/used from Spain, less that a year old. What a find.
    • Hegel Rost
    Integrated amp. Smooth sound. Plenty of power for my needs. Fine DAC.
    • PSB 450 Subwoofer
    Definitely makes the windows rattle and the floor shake on heavy duty classical.
    • T+A 1260 CD player
    Like everything else in this system, 1/2 price or less used. Works great, with some functions I can't even understand!
    • Mr. Speaker Ether headphones
    Incredible sound. Might well be the last headphones I ever buy.
    • Audioengine B1--Bluetooth adapter
    I'm sure not as good as a real streamer, but really not bad at all for getting Amazon HD and Idagio. I'll save up for the Cambridge streamer...

Comments 8

Far from Modest system IMO. Very well put together . I have a pair of the PL100ii's also and am very impressed with the overall sound . They stand up well to any bookshelf I listened to. and the Platinum line is certainly not modest.. 
Fabulous system here: - partnered with the 300's  Diretta伝送で、音がこんなによくなるとは! SPECから登場したUSB Bridge「RMP-UB1」は、ハイレゾファンに大きな恩恵をもたらす注目アイテムになるだろう - Stereo Sound ONLINE . I loved the sound of the Dynaudio Contour  line as well . I found with the MA Speakers the more power I feed them the better and they are never earsplitting or fatiguing. 


Whoops, I forgot to say that, when I don't use the speakers, I use a set of Alclair Audio Spire in-ears.  They are a 6-driver set that sounds wonderful and, with the custom molds cuts ambient noise more than the ear plugs/shooting muffs I use while shooting. 

Using them on stage, I have the volume set lower than what you can hear in the house and still have perfect clarity for the other instruments and voices. 


NICE system!  In my man cave/music room I have a Grace Designs DAC, a NAD C316BBE into two Ascend Acoustics Sierra 2's with the RAAL tweeter and a DAYTON sub!  Sounds good and keeps me entertained for HOURS!

Between playing bass, drumming and shooting for years, I don't have the ears for higher end stuff!  But I love what I have.


to Linnie: I've been listening to recorded music seriously for over 60 years--starting with FM table radio and then lots of vinyl, a few years of cassettes, and now cds and streaming. I feel enormous gratitude for the composers, musicians, technical folks--everyone who makes this sustaining art form possible.


To Jhugg: 10 years ago when I got my first taste of real audiophile, my lesser system featured MA GX-50. (I got B and W cm 9 for my 'big' system). I heard several stand mount in the same price range. The MA were physically the smallest but just seemed to blow the others away. 
The PL 100II I got unheard five years later--they were on sale here for 1/2 price less than a year after coming out. I heard 6 speakers as I shopped around, and except for ones that retailed for 24k but were demo for 12, nothing seemed all that great. So I took a chance and was completely satisfied. 


Nice geode.


Nice system! What were your first pair of MA speakers and how do these compare? I currently have Gold 200 G4's in my system.


Exactly.....t's all about being happy.  Besides... it really should be about the music and not the gear. Unfortunately it's not the case with many audiophiles, who have a very limited knowledge of music, not to mention wasting gobs of money and being sorry for it years later.  I have seen it many times.

So good for you.  I find your approach very refreshing.  Enjoy!


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