
my goals for this system is to make a great all-Linn hi-fi system , although I would really like to upgrade the speakers to Linn Komris($40,000.00 retail price, matched only by the Sonus Faber Stradivari Homage(also $40,000.00) My other goal is to provide Linn freaks a chance to assemble their dream system.

Components Toggle details

    • Linn CD-12
    The best CD player in the world(as described by Absolute Sound)
    • Linn Kolektor
    great linn preamp
    • Linn Klimax 500 Solos
    • Linn Ninka
    Pretty good Linn speakers...definitely will bring the house down.
    • Linn LP-12 Sondek
    awesome turntable....

Comments 1

Nice to see a Kolektor among its higher end brothers and sisters.

I have 4 of them linked to either Linn Lk 140 or 85 amps.  Classic, vintage Linn.



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