
replaced at fall 2012 my Evolution acoustic MM3 speakers by a pair of Magico Q1. Sounds like a strange move - from a 350kg monster to a small 2-ways, but I couldn't be more happy: more transparency, less coloration, very clean transient, richness of tones. Room is completely treated, with more than 100 Helmholtz resonators and diffusers from SMT.

My next upgrade is to move to Magico Q7. the Q1 will move probably with the Devialet to my living room system to replace my APL speakers.

Components Toggle details

    • Dartzeel NHB-108
    Swiss electronics to its best.
    • Magico Q1
    The Ultimate cost no object 2 ways.
    • APL NWO-M
    Combine the best Esoteric transport and state of the art custom DAC by APL. Use it also as preamp when driving the Devialet

Comments 19

Nice system.


Simply stunning!!!! Love.


Bonjour/Nihao Stereotaipei,

would you reveal which cables you are using for this system and which were on your short list?

Merci d'avance!


Stereotaipei, awesome room! I love the fact that you use monitors in that space. I am on the hunt for new monitors to replace my Sonus Faber Auditors. On my short list are SF Guarneri Memento/Evolution, Vivid, and Magico.

BTW, did you integrate a sub?


What manufacturer's diffusors did you use for the ceiling?


Hi jean-frederic
great and beautiful.
Finally your beautiful dedicated room has been completed, as expected.
When you foreseen to move to Q7 and which amplifier you decided to associate?
my best regards to who introduced me to the acoustics mistery


Not your typical loudspeaker company borrowing drivers from OEM to fit in a MDF box put together with dampening glue and average bracing.


one thing is sure, these Magico aluminium speakers are build like a high precision Swiss watch.... very impressive.


No, I don't believe the story and I thought I made myself clear in the MMMicro1 thread. I mention it here only for the obvious symmetry to your experience of going from the MM3 to the Q1. It too was a big to small speaker move for similar reasons, "IF" one is willing to believe JTinn's story. I don't believe it. Does he know that you prefer the Q1 to his MM3? I wonder what he would say to that?

I also don't think JTinn found any build quality issues with the Q7 like the ones you found with the MM3.


Peterayer, do you REALLY believe a story of a guy selling a 185k speaker, ordering another 200k speaker (the MM7) without even listening to it, because he listened to the MMMicro1, a 3k speaker of the same brand.... without mentioning that the only source of the story so far are EA owner (Jonathan) and EA best friend (Mike). For me this is so stupid that it makes them lose all credibility. Really too bad jonathan uses such marketing approach, I believe his speakers and the Micro1 in particular are good enough so that you don't need such a marketing BS to sell them. I heard the Micro1, it is a very good value for money, probably competing with $6-8k speakers. But not competing to a lot of good 10k+ speakers out there.
And yes, the Q7 is in a completely different category than any other speakers I have heard (including my current Q1)

Lapierre, I don't use the subs in stereo mode. these are just the Fathom subs of my HT. Positioned in the middle of side walls, pretty classical set up when you have 2 subs in a HT.


Great room. Nice to see the smaller monitors take center stage.

Interesting placement of the subs. Can you expand on that?


Congratulations on a great room. Your system must sound wonderful and when you get the Q7, it should be another improvement. It's pretty interesting to compare your MM3 to Q1 story to the story about the guy who sold his Q7 when he heard the Evolution Acoustics MMMicro1. It just shows that personal preferences in audio systems are very subjective. Thanks for posting photos of your room and gear.


Beautiful room and equipment. I agree with your sentiments about diffusion....


1) it is diffusion, not absorption. My diffusers have absorption factor of only 0.15-0.2. The more you treat walls with diffusers, the better.
I get a perfect decay time, regular slope, decay time constant at 0.35-0.4sec across the frequency range. Room nodes are eliminated down to 22Hz (with subwoofer of course): flat +-3dB room response.

2) it doesn't sound like a recording studios. Most studios don't like diffusive rooms, they prefer more dead rooms.

3) i have not taken a pic of the backwall (i.e. behind listener). This wall is fully treated with diffusers and a corridor which serves as a tuned basstrap for 22Hz resonance. Front wall is a 2cm thick glass window to my terrace. But I have 4 transparent wings diffusers in front of it that you can see on the pic.


Wow, huge size room for Taipei, Stereotaipei. I'm from there and a dedicated sound room like yours(non-dealer), one must have a few pretty pennies. ;-)

Visually, in my opinion, ceiling and sidewalls looked to be overly treated(recording studio). May I ask why minimum treatment on the back wall?


Not strange at all ... most important is YOU prefer the Magico sound. Congratulations!


All I can say is WOW! I wish you were closer so that I could stop in for a listening session. I imagine that the room and electronics sound fantastic together. Well done!


Great room and system !!!!!!!




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