
I really don't have room for this............

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    • Theta Digital Chroma 396
    this also doesn't work well with system
    • Ortofon OM-30 Super
    • Audio Research SP-8
    A real keeper!
    • Dynaco st-70
    Highly modified, sounds really good!
    • Audes USA 15
    rarely use them, but sound good, even with out a sub
    • M&K MX-200
    rarely use iy
    • DIY Balanced pre
    Built it myself with some asian help. Balanced 6dj8 tube rectified, remote control, needs the power supply separated on it's own.
    • Krell FPB-600c
    The classe was nice, but when you need real power, get a Krell. Haven't decided if it was worth the dough yet......
    • Wilson Audio Watt puppy 2/3
    They sound pretty good, but between the Krell and these, I need back surgery......
    • Audio Research Reference One
    Nice sounding piece, doesn't like my 80 year old wiring in my house. Some pieces aren't affected, some are...
    • Silverline Audio Sonata
    Man O man, I love these speakers. Sound great with anything you use them with. They just make you want to listen!
    • Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 mkII
    Interesting piece, really opens up a cd, like nothing else I've had before
    • Rotel RCC-1055
    I have to have a five disc changer with random!
    • Music Hall MMF 7
    Really an awesome turntable for the money.
    • PS Audio GCPH
    good little phono preamp that is easily adjusted, and has balanced output. Works great with the reference one.
    • Sonic Frontiers SFS-40
    Beautiful and luscious sounding unit
    • Sonic Frontiers SFL-1
    Nice looking unit, matches the rest of the sf system, but not on par sonically as the sp8
    • ATC Scm12
    needs lots of power to sound good, but then they do sound really good
    • Sangean hd tuner
    had to try it out, and yes, they do work pretty well
    • Sonic Frontiers Sft-1
    nice unit
    • Audio Research D-75
    Awesome, and I don't think it was 995.00
    • Music Hall 25.3
    Can't say enough good things about this dac at it's price. Really works well with the reference one

Comments 2

where are your pics from all these supposly systems you own??


System edited: I wish I could ever be happy, and quit spending money on this.....


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