
This system is is very musical and portrays the entire emotional gestalt of the musical experience. First and foremost is the music. I feel the system must take us into the heart of the musical matter. I really never feel the need to upgrade. What could be more beautiful than this.It's also a high to experience live music as well as to partake in listening to other friends high end systems.

Components Toggle details

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    the fantastic wadia 830 heads my front end.
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Comments 19

Hi Onemug,
I suspect you`ll like
"Roger Kallaway Live At The Jazz Standard" and
"Fingerpainting" with Nick Payton,Christian McBride and Mark Whitfield.



Been away for a few days. Looks like a few of my favorite people have joined in here. Birds of a feather?

The speakers that replaced my Abbys are Sonus Faber Guarneris Homages (the original walnut ones). The Abbys were/are great musical instruments especially when run with SETs. The GH's were a longtime want and it took quite awhile to find the right pair. The Abbys taught me a lot about coherency and what to listen for and the GH's ended up working for me.

My music tastes are along Charles and your lines. Really liking the "slow tempo" Jazz from Frank Morgans "Listen to the Dawn" that I heard about in Charles "system" thread. Thanks Charles. I'll try some of the ones you mentioned.


I try to do my part supporting these gifted musicians by attending their performances and buying their recordings.
That list of four detroiters you mentioned, I`ve seen all live with the exception of Joe Henderson.

You enjoy the vibraphone as do I, here`s a recommendation.
"Roger Kallaway Live at the Jazz Standard". It is a two CD recording and features Stephon Harris(vibe) Russell Malone(guitar) Jay Leonhart(bass). This is very good and Stephon Harris plays his tail off!


Charles1dad;I am well aware of the rich musical legacy in your fine city of Detroit. The famous Cass High is a music factory and has produced some of the best jazz musicians to ever play. There are so many, but here is my short list of four . Barry Harris/ Joe Henderson/Tommy Flanagan/Gerri Allen/.Wow! I attend as many of the live venues I can. We must keep this art alive.The musicians need us to support them.I can imagine how nice it would've been to see Chet Baker play live.


It's funny we seem to have very similar taste in both components and music. I'm fortunate to live near Detroit, Michigan. Yes the city has major problems to address (an understatement) but the local jazz scene is strong and there's much live jazz in the city and suburbs. When you hear the musicians up close and usually unamplified your ears/brain sure learn to recognize that unmistakable sound. It makes an excellent template when you listen to audio components. I get out to these jazz clubs often.

You're in NYC so obviously there are a multitude of jazz venues to visit and enjoy. Do you have the opportunity to take advantage of this special perk?


Charles1dad; You have great taste.Have you heard the Chet Baker recording why shouldn't you cry where he plays with german vibe player Wolfgang Lackerschmid? Really touching, great sound.Feels as though the notes are hanging forever. I love Bobby&Milt. I love the vibraphone.


Isochronism; I love wood.It's beautiful and it provides lovely organic sound.What amplifier do you prefer the most of the two? What a fine position to be in.


Fort, I would feel right at home there!! I use 300B or 45 amps with single Lowther DX4 speakers. The sounds and the great old woodwork must compliment each other so very nicely!!


I know exactly what you meant and fully relate.While listening to music I play various air instruments like an expert! If only I could convert this talent to a real instrument. You should hear my beautiful improvised vibe solos when(in my head)playing along with Milt Jackson or Bobby Hutchinson,man I`m in the groove.


Charles1dad. Perhaps the metaphor is quite strong, but if you listen to Afro Cuban and latin jazz you know what I mean.


"Sorta makes you feel you are playing in the band" You do this also huh?LOL.


You are so on point Charles1dad. Music appreciation devices of this level have the ability to allow us into the complete organic interaction of the musical journey. They give us carte blanche to partake into the musicians soul. Sorta makes you feel you are playing in the band.


The Yamamoto amplifier with the EML Mesh plate 2A3 must sound so
natural and heavenly. Jazz guitar chords with their harmonics and
overtones have to be captivating. I'd really like to hear how that
presentation contrasts to my Frankenstein amp -Takatsuki 300b combo.
Oh the sheer fun and musical pleasure that'd be. I listen to a lot of live jazz
guitarist performances and SET amplifiers(with DHT tubes) get that sound more
authentically than any other type of amp I've heard so far.


Jetrexpro. These are not the pictures I intended to upload, but somehow they are posted here.The picture posted here is a older photo. I really like the Abbeys moved out into the front room. The sound is much much better. Yes Jetrexpro the 2a3's in the photo are Emissions lab tubes. The Yamamoto amplifier is telling me the RCA'S present the music with a much more sweeter tone while the Emissions labs tubes exhibit a soundstage that is very wide, deep, and high.The tone of the instruments seem to hang in this soundstage forever, while the note decay is unreal. Note these are EML mesh plates. Both brands of these tubes are to die for,but I hear the EML to be more neutral. what a choice to have.


Great to see the pictures!!
When I stopped by for a listen you had RCA 2a3's in the amp. In the picture are those Emission lab tubes? Can you tell us the difference in sound? Also it looks like you changed the position of the speakers. How are the Abby's sounding farther back into the room?


Thanks for the fine compliment Onemug. What excellent speakers did you replace the Abbeys with?


Thanks for the cool response Charles1dad. They are said to weigh in at 95 db.They also are said to not go below 8 ohms.


Well put together system. Nicely done.

I used to own the Super Abbys. Ran them first with a SE 2a3 and then a 300b. Those combos excelled at low level listening. Enjoyed them for years.


Good to see this fine system posted.It seems a perfect match for someone who loves and appreciates the beauty of music as you do.
How sensitive and whats the load impedance of your speakers?


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