
This is the first good system I have tried to put together. Others have been "rack systems". I have auditioned the speakers, and the amp, but not together. The amp was on Audience 72 speakers. The rest I have based on reviews. The speakers I think will be a sure thing, I have heard several others such as Vandys, B&Ws, Linns, Monitor Audios, Cantons, Paradigms, Kefs, Acoustic Energy and Infinitys. I think most people feel the Dyns are a little bright, but I think I tend to like that more than most people. I also like the bass to be tight and fast, which the Dyns deliver very well. The CD, Pre and Amp though, as I said are all based on reviews and price. I would appriciate any recommendations and/or opinions on this system before I go to find them, could save time if something will not work together. Or if you think it may sound good together, please let me know that too. I have not yet factored in cables, but have Audioquest to start with and will go from there. Thanks for you opinions in advance.

Components Toggle details

    • Music Hall MMF- CD25
    CD Player
    • Anthem TLP-1
    • Anthem MCA-20
    • Dynaudio Audience 82
    3 Way speakers

Comments 2

I just upgraded from some Monster Reference 2 and Audioquest Granite to the Audioquest DBS (CV-6 and Jaguar), and man alive are they sweet. Highly reccomended. I like the Dynaudio speakers. My Totems have Dynaudio drivers and they are just fabulous. Looks like a well rounded system.


Looks like you're off to a good start with the components that you have. I would suggest that you start upgrading cables. You can get some very good cables at a reasonable price here on Audiogon. Who knows, after upgrading cables, you may be happy with the components you have. Also, if upgrading cables, DO NOT forget power cables!!!!


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