
I've always had a penchant for finding nice pieces used. But they usually have a hard time fitting in with other, or they just don't work well together at all. Well after so many years of haggling and hoarding, I finally put together a system out of it all that is sonically breathtaking. It definitely doesnt have the "modern" sound, but it can draw you into the music like nothing I have ever heard before! All for a little over 2k, most of that were the silverlines, which I got here on audiogon

Components Toggle details

    • Logitech touch
    • Music Hall 25.3
    • Music Hall MMF-7
    • Audio Research SP-8
    Very nice
    • Audio Research D-76a
    Very nice
    • Silverline Audio Sonata
    Very very nice
    • REL Acoustics Strata mkIII
    • Audio quest forgot
    • Synergistic alpha

Comments 2

I agree, there are two on the way to the bank and back that actually have some nice things regularly. The problem is usually what they mark the price at. Something's are put at msrp, and occasionally they completely screw up and ask nothing. And sometimes they will package things as a set, which is a pain because you only want one piece. Then you have to get rid of the others. One example of misprice was the Rel, which I paid ninety dollars for. And I then found the special cables here on audiogon for 35 for two.



Nice work!

Were most of teh pieces truly found in a pawn shop? If so, I wonder which ones and where?

I still pick pawn shops when I have a chance and have a piece or two I found in one on hand. You have to do it regularly and have some good luck and timing, and make sure you know what you are getting condition-wise, but when the stars align the pickings can be most bountiful.


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