
This system cost me about $2700 off Audiogon and sounds very good. I prefere it to the Rega Apollo/Prima Luna Prologue 2/ Dynaudio Focus 140 setup that I left behind when I recently immigrated(which cost a fair bit mor)y.

Very lifelike, amazing dynamics and directness. Bass is very tight (due to massive bass trapping and a glass walls) and flat down to 20hz courtesy of a Behringer 1124 parrametric eq. Room is 100% cymetrical and so are speakers to a 1mm tolerance speakers are which helps immiging greatly.

I run the rear outs from the Denon universal player to the T-amp and rear speakers for very cheep and surprisingly effective multichannel audio and video.

Only upgrades I'm concidering is a tubed to flesh out the sound a bit, maybe something cheep and Chinese from

Components Toggle details

    • Denon 2200
    Universal Player
    • DIYParadise Monica2
    non oversampling dac, comes in kit for. I run off 12V SLA battery
    • Red Wine Audio Clari-T, custom, dual mono
    battery powered tripath chip based
    • Zu Tone
    high efficiency single driver with supertweeter
    • DIY Fostex open baffles Fe83E
    Used as rear speakers, driven with $30 Sonic Impact T-amp
    • Qed ?
    cheap stuff
    • DIY Critical Q
    Low Q(0.5) design by Joe Russmussen(?) using Peerless 850300 12
    • Bass traps DIY
    gardening trellis at 45 degrees in each of the front corners of the room with 20lb of high dencity foam blocks filling in the space behind. Also got some cheap 'n easy diffusors in the back wall as well as all first reflection points absorbed or deflected.

Comments 2

I like! It does take a bit of getting used to, as you may have read others say. But it also seems to be true that this is one of the speakers/types of technology that one you have lived with you 'cant go back'.

If you live in the States you dont have much to loose with the home trial(60 day?) they offer. Best to audition in-home and over at lear a few days I think. cheers



How do you like your Tones so far? Are they worth getting a pair?


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