
About a year ago, I gave up my middling surround system to return to sweet, 2-channel goodness for my little NYC living room. Best decision I've ever made; I'm enjoying my music more than I have in years.

I'm a sucker for details, but I still want musical engagement... and I think I've got exactly that so far, without spending tons of dough. The soundstage isn't as deep or defined as I'd like, but I think that's a function of the space (and the big plasma TV between the speakers).

My next purchase will most likely be the PS Audio Digital Link III DAC, to take redbook playback to the next level. Then I'll start working on converting to to a computer-based setup.

I haven't seen many systems with these components, so I do feel a little like I'm going out on a limb. I'd love to hear anyone's feedback!

Components Toggle details

    • Oppo DV-980H
    Fantastic little universal player for the money, and much better looking than the 970 it replaced.
    • PS Audio DigitalLink III
    with Cullen Level 3 mods. Best upgrade I've ever made to my system (with the exception of the speakers themselves).
    • PS Audio Trio C-100 Control Amplifier
    Class D/100 watts/dual mono. As simple as it gets: 3 inputs and a volume knob. Crystalline, controlled and engaging.
    • Rega R5
    3-way with side-firing 7" woofer. Tight, fast and groovy.
    • DIY magnetwire
    braided Radio Shack magnetwire inside rubber tubing, terminated with Canare.
    • Blue Jeans Cable LC-1
    low capacitance, low cost cable.
    • Analysis Plus Clear Oval
    They do their job.

Comments 13

After about 4 months with the DLIII in the system, I think can say definitively that it's the second most significant upgrade I've made to the system. The speakers are still the defining component.

The Cullen 3 DLIII is simply remarkable... it brings depth, air and warmth to my system that just wasn't there before. The whole soundstage exists in higher and wider physical space, which is exactly what I was looking for. The top end that sizzled with the Oppo now buttah. It also fixes the slightly anemic bass I was getting from the Oppo... it was always controlled and musical, but now it's got authority and impact without being overemphasized.

It's got two upsampling settings: 96 and 192. It's difficult to tell the difference between the two, but I seem to prefer 96 in general, but that could be because I tend to use it for my more well-recorded albums. 192 seems to help lesser recordings reach higher, expanding a compressed soundstage for instance, while 96 is unbelievable with 70s era analog recordings. I think the higher upsampling rate adds a bit of sparkle on the high end that some people might not like, but for some recordings it's actually really nice.

The DAC has brought the sound of system exactly where I want it, so now I can focus on converting to a computer-based music library, which will be a really tricky project, considering my super-limited space.

In sum, I heart my modded DLIII.


System edited: Cullen DLIII has arrived and is in the system. Sounds truly fantastic. More later.


the Cullen modded DLIII has been ordered... expectantly twiddling my thumbs now!


System edited: UPDATE: I replaced the 970 universal with a 980. I notice a significant improvement, mostly in the presence of the lower frequencies. hopefully, the 980 will soon be assigned to transport duty, as I plan to buy a PS Audio Digital Link III (possibly with Cullen Level 3 mods) in the next month or two.


Interested in your findings...


System edited: just bought a pair of BJC LC-1 interconnects. it's mainly to connect my cable box to my amp, but i'm also comparing it to my DIY magnetwire ICs to see if i can tell any difference.


They're elfa shelves from the container store. Nothing fancy, and probably not ideal for hifi, but perfect for my room. They hang from a single crossbar at the top, with metal verticles hanging down to hold the walnut veneered mdf shelves.


I am really interested in your shelves. How did you attach them to the wall? I have thought about doing this since space is limited in my basement and a flat screen TV is coming tomorrow.


Very interesting that you mentioned the DeVore Fidelity Gibbon Super 8's because I feel exactly the same way...and it's also just a pipe dream for me as well. We must have similar taste. For now however I'm quite satsified with the R5's and will be for sometime.


System edited: added a few (bad) photos, taken from my camera phone.


Musical enjoyment and engagement is what its all about!

Enjoy the system you have now. Upgrades are a slippery and expensive slope of mostly diminishing returns at the high end, especially for a small space in NYC. For what its worth.

Happy Holidays & Listening!


thanks for the feedback Artk. i have actually posted a couple of times under your system, back when i first got the Regas. they are undoubtedly the anchor of my system; i absolutely love the way they sound. i think the only other speakers i would even consider under $10k would be the DeVore Gibbon Super 8, and that's just a pipe dream for me at this point, so i'm perfectly content with the R5.

the C-100 is the newest component, and it's really impressed me as well. i didn't think i could get a component of this quality in my price range, so i'm well pleased with it.

i won't consider the system complete until i add a DAC. until then, i'm not even thinking about switching out cables.


I love the R5's and have my system posted here under "Budget Minded". It's an all Rega system on the 3rd page or so. Good start...I had Analysis Plus cables for awhile then moved to van den Hul and haven't looked back. However if detail is your thing the A plus is a good choice. Good job!


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